Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Women should not bother negotiating salary. (Penelope Trunk)
A Guide to Juggling Multiple Job Offers and Coming Out on Top. (Daily Muse)
Here’s How Many Gigs Are In The Gig Economy. (Fast Company)
How to build a great culture for your startup. (Tech In Asia)
Employees Can’t Be Summed Up by a Personality Test. (Peter Bregman)
I Had a Baby and Cancer When I Worked at Amazon. This Is My Story. (Medium)
What life would look if we said no to work-life balance (and a nod to Amazon, of course). (Penelope Trunk)
Dollar Do-Overs: 9 People Share ‘How I’d Do Things Differently’. (LearnVest)
Lunch plans? Why you should really leave your desk today. (Fortune Magazine)
Here’s How Generation Xers Are Driving Millennials Crazy in the Workplace (and Vice Versa). (Inc)
Here’s the Secret to Being More Productive (Hint: It’s Not What You Think). (Levo League)
7 Ways to Stay on Target with Your Work Today. (Time Management Ninja)
Bonding Deeply With A Romantic Partner: 5 Shortcuts. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered, and It Is Not What You Think. (Huffington Post)
Music Can Help Recovery From Surgery. (New York Times)
Losing Weight Slowly Will Yield Better (Long-Term) Results – Another Myth Debunked by Science?!. (Suppversity)
Artificial Sweeteners: Slimming You Down or Fattening You Up?. (Inside Tracker)
Are Late-Night Snacks Sabotaging Your Diet?. (Daily Burn)
How to Stop Food Cravings in 10 Minutes or Less. (Daily Burn)
14 Foods You Should Never Eat. (MSN)
6 Bad Arguments That Make the GMO Debate Look Stupid. (Go Kaleo)
Long-Distance Runners Mostly Think About How Hard Long-Distance Running Is. (Science of Us)
9 Ways to Prevent Side Stitches when Running. (Hello Healthy)
The HIIT Workout: Optimal Fitness in Minimal Time. (Top Fitness Mag)
Cool new kickstarter: HipZIPP Belt. (Kickstarter)
Why it makes sense to bike without a helmet. (Howie Chong)
Why You Should Never Skip Leg Day. (Time Management Ninja)
The Crazy Unhealthy Things Fitness Models Do Before a Photo Shoot. (Greatist)
Which airports offer healthy food choices? DFW airport is one, says BasilHealth. (Dallas Morning News)
U.S. Senator Seeks Drone Ban Near Airports and Big Events. (Skift)
How a Denver engineer can save airlines millions AND make people want the middle seat. (Denver Post)
The Low-Cost Carrier and Digital Threat to Loyalty and Points Programs. (Skift)
Americans, Go Meet the World: Student Travel Before College Is the Best Prerequisite. (Skift)
Related: That One Time in Europe. (Hommemaker)
Working Remotely from Copenhagen for 30 Days. (Full Contact)
24 American Behaviors Considered Rude in Other Countries. (Business Insider)
Bedtime Stories for Young Brains. (New York Times)
Kitchen Skills by Age. (Williams Sonoma)
How to Make a Snack Station for Kids. (Mom Always Finds Out)
Another Approach to Raising Healthy Eaters. (New York Times)
Why depriving your kids of toys is a great idea. (Guardian)
I was visiting a friend of mine who has a young son.. (Medium)
A teacher hid an ‘Alf’ reference in the syllabus to see if students read it. (Mashable)
What Would You Pay for This Meal?. (New York Times)
Break the Wine-n-Dine Standards with These Weird Wine Pairings – Man Repeller. (Man Repeller)
Finally, for a laugh: GOP Promotes Carly Fiorina To Male Candidate After Strong Debate Showing. (The Onion)_
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Perfect. I open the “14 foods you should never eat” and the title picture is french fries. THEN, I go to the next one and it is swordfish – my fav fish. When I saw strawberries on the list, I about died….. Then when I saw bread I closed the page. I couldn’t go any further, lest the next thing on the list be skittles and my entire world start crumbling down.
Just be glad K-cup coffee wasn’t on there 😉