Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Need an Intern With a Strong Sense of Entitlement and Bad Manners? Hire a Rich Kid. (LinkedIn)
How To Tell If You’re “That Person” In Your Office. (Fast Company)
The Millennial’s Guide to Staying Productive (and Sane) While Working from Home. (Levo League)
This CEO Forced Everyone To Work Remotely For Two Weeks (It Didn’t Work). (Forbes)
States Where People Are Most Excited to Go to Work in the Morning. (Levo League)
10 Reasons To Stay At Your Job. (LinkedIn)
Actual words my coworkers have said to me, a woman in tech. (Quartz)
How to give criticism. (The Politesse)
21 Ways to Start a “Networking” Conversation with Anyone. (Levo League)
Seymour Schulich on Deals, Business, Decisions and Life. (Farnam Street)
Dressing Up the Brain: Wearing a Suit Makes You Think Differently. (The Atlantic)
University Creates ‘Puppy Room’ To Help Stressed-Out Students. (Bored Panda)
There’s Enough Time in Your Life for Everything Important. (LinkedIn)
Saying No: How Successful People Stay Productive. (Farnam Street)
10 No-Fail Ways to Tame Your Email Inbox. (99u)
Why Tracking Works Even if Calorie Counts Are Off. (My Fitness Pal)
The New Science Behind Low-Carb Training. (Outside Magazine)
The Right Dose of Exercise for a Longer Life. (New York Times)
20 Resources for Legit Workout Programs You Can Actually Afford. (Greatist)
Change Your (Workout) Surface, Change Your Body. (Equinox)
Could a Power Meter Revolutionize Your Running? (Daily Burn)
What To Do The Week Of Your Half Marathon. (Run Selfie Repeat)
Interview: Chicago Tourism CEO on the Next Generation of Tourists. (Skift)
Airport advertising – an overlooked revenue opportunity. CAPA’s guide to the state of the art. (Center for Aviation)
American and US Airways are Doing Their Reservation System Migration Differently and It’s Paying Off. (Cranky Flier)
The New Aircraft Design That Could Solve Boarding Nightmares. (Skift)
United Airlines Exploring Viability Of Stacking Them Like Cordwood. (The Onion)
Why Is There A Hole In Airplane Windows? (IO9)
#HipHacks Find Cheap Flights with ITA Routing Language. (Hipmunk)
Dark Arts: Why some OTAs fool hotels with fake prices. (Tnooz)
This Dude Who Photographs His Girlfriend Around The World Has Outdone Himself. (Buzzfeed)
Why millennials are scared of talking on the phone — and how to get over it. (Yahoo Finance)
Sharing My #LifeUnfiltered Story. (Preppy Runner)
You Can Now Measure Your Level of Smartphone Codependence. (Science of Us)
19 Things An Android Can Do That An iPhone Can’t. (Super Compressor)
On Spice Fade, And the Utter Insanity of Throwing Spices Out After Six Months. (Casual Kitchen)
How To Be The Best At Any Game In The Universe. (Medium)
7 Times When You Should Absolutely Lie to Someone’s Face. (Levo League)
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The article about the CEO having everyone go home for 2 weeks was super interesting. When I was a consultant, I would have assumed that everyone would have been as productive as normal and work/life balance would have increased… BUT…… Now that I work for a more traditional company, I totally get what the article says. People either 1) just don’t work or 2) feel disconnected and not part of a team. Working from home is a double edged sword. It takes a lot of management oversight and employee engagement to make it successful for sure!
I think so much also depends on the company culture and what you’re used to. At my company, just about everyone works from home… but not full-time. So you learn to work from home when it makes sense, and come into the office when it doesn’t. I think that helps a lot with making working from home time more productive.