Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

When It’s OK to Lie on Your Resume. (The Muse)
The One Interview Question Most People Are Not Prepared For. (LinkedIn)
“How Are You Today?” – The Top 7 Interview Answers. I don’t necessarily love these answers, but I love the idea of rethinking how you answer this question, whether in an interview setting or otherwise. (The Ladders)
Career Advice for the Young: Put Your Weekends to Work. (Wall Street Journal)
Giving Effective Feedback When You’re Short on Time. (Harvard Business School)
Why you need to draw your 1-person org chart. This is such an amazing idea and I’ve sent the article to multiple people after getting prompted by conversations we’ve had where it was relevant. (Azzarello Group)
The importance of product positioning, and how to get it right. (David Jaxon)
Take Back the Lunch Break. (99U)
Rethink Your After-Work Routine to Make the Transition Home a Happy One. (Wall Street Journal)
Amazing Things Happen At Master Networker Jon Levy’s New York Apartment. I was fortunate enough to attend one of these and it was awesome! (Business Insider)
6 Hacks to Stop Financial Procrastination in Its Tracks. (LearnVest)
The Things That Get in the Way of Doing. (Zen Habits)
An Insanely Simple 3 Step Guide for Killing Procrastination. (Unsettle)
It is true: No one fears failure. (A Quest for Running Perfection)
11 Ways to Manage Stress and Feeling Overwhelmed. (Love Life Surf)
8 Ways to Be an Anti-Perfectionist in 2015. (Medium)
Why You Should Talk to People. (Under 30 CEO)
Know how and when to exit a conversation. (Adulting)
Why All or Nothing is the Easy Way Out. (Trainer Paige)
9 Ways to Fall Asleep Faster (Without Counting Sheep). (DailyBurn)
Peak athletic performance is dependent on sleep cycle. (The Conversation)
5 Ways to Boost Your Fitness at Work. (FitFluential)
Real Runners Do Take Walk Breaks. I agree that walk breaks are very helpful for long distance, but I think it’s much smarter to take them strategically (e.g., walking on the uphills) rather than at prescribed time intervals that may or may not be ideal for the course. (New York Times)
Robot Feeds Marathoners Tomatoes. This is hilarious; I wish I understood the Japanese translation, which I assume is saying something about why tomatoes. (NBC News)
The Debate Over Running While High. (Wall Street Journal)
You Know Their Numbers. But Do You Know Yours? (NHL Redwings)
Gluten Intolerance May Be Completely Fake: Study. (Huffington Post)
Interview: Hipmunk CEO on Online Travel’s Race to the Middle. (Skift)
ACI reveals the world’s most customer friendly airports. (Airport World)
Analysis of the results: World’s Top Airports for Passenger Experience and Traveler Satisfaction. (Skift)
United Airlines: A first-class cock up. (The Economist)
What Happens When a Mistake Fare Goes Sideways? (Skift)
Loyalty in travel isn’t dead – it’s evolving and it’s personal. (Tnooz)
Le Meridien Builds a Brand Message With Pastries and Music. Really unique and awesome! (Skift)
Would you leave your family behind to be the first human to set foot on Mars? It seems I’m late to hearing about this, but… wow. So many interesting ethical questions and personal values to consider. (Washington Post)
What Are The Chances of Finding Love? I love her TED talks and now am excited for her book! (Medium)
How to Make Friends as a Grown-Up. (Nerd Fitness)
64 Insanely Easy Ways to Save Money Around the House. (And Then We Saved)
Cooking Tips: The Non-Chef’s Guide to Becoming a Cook. (The Sweet Life with Ericka)
Smart Advice on How to Cook Everything Faster. (SELF Magazine)
Why Diners Are More Important Than Ever. (Serious Eats)
This is funny: I Tried Taylor Swift’s Diet and It Was a Joy. (New York Magazine)
The Life Lessons Hidden in Reality TV. (New York Times)
Really interesting to see the other side of the story: Justine Sacco Is Good at Her Job, and How I Came To Peace With Her. (Gawker)
Related: How One Stupid Tweet Blew Up Justine Sacco’s Life. (New York Times)
The Ultimate List of Social Media Acronyms and Abbreviations. Helpful! (Buffer)
Richard Smith: Dying of cancer is the best death. (The BMJ)
Finally, for a laugh: Funny Snow Shoveling Prank. (YouTube)
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ha, I tried the tomato dispenser at the Tokyo Marathon expo: http://www.therightfits.com/2015/02/fits-race-reviews-tokyo-marathon-expo/
I did eat tomatoes yesterday at the race too and they weren’t so bad.
That is too funny, Jessie!