Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

You Need a Work Best Friend. Agree with this, though consulting can be frustrating because you are always changing projects/teams/locations and so you have to change work best friends too! (The Science of Us)
Conspiracy Santa: A Better Secret Santa for Teams. (Zapier)
The Clothes Make the Doctor. (The Atlantic)
Another case of someone not being what they appear: Why Would An Aerospace Engineer Want To Be An Uber Driver? (Financial Samurai)
Is True Meritocracy Possible? The Story of the Black List. (99U)
12 Surprising Things That Make You Successful. (LevoLeague)
The 7 Things Successful People Never Say. (LinkedIn)
Why Some People Get Promoted (And Others Don’t). (99u)
This Surprising Secret About Bamboo Could Be The Reason You’re Not Successful. (Under 30 CEO)
15 Expert-Backed Tactics for Being Happier at Work. (Daily Muse)
How to Live Your Legend WITHOUT Quitting Your Day Job. (Live Your Legend)
How to Use Sneaky “Psychic Powers” to Validate Your Business Idea. (Under 30 CEO)
Warren Buffett On Goals: If It’s Not The Most Important Thing, Avoid It At All Costs. (Cal Newport)
Don’t Waste Your Two Golden Hours of Productivity. (99U)
21 Dos and Don’ts to Improve Your Email. (Time Management Ninja)
The top 10 lessons I learned using my smartphone for 60 minutes a day. (A Life of Productivity)
The 5-Step App Audit: Increase Productivity, Improve Security & Simplify Your Digital Life. (Zapier)
The Stereotype-Driven Business of Selling Nutrition Bars to Women. (Racked)
Prescribing Vegetables, Not Pills. (New York Times)
Having Pizza? Preload with Navy Beans, Chickpea or Lentils to Ameliorate Your Glucose Response. (SuppVersity)
7 Big Benefits Of Exercising Outside This Winter. (Huffington Post)
8 Reasons to Fall in Love with Winter Running. (Will Run for Glitter)
The Rise of the Beer Mile. (Outside Magazine)
12 Secrets from the Pros to Achieve a Personal Best. In the beer mile, or regular running! (DailyBurn)
Which Bootcamper Stereotype Are You? (Rate Your Burn)
Vibration Training Shakes Away Liver Fat + Reduces Inflammation Without Extra Dietary Intervention. (SuppVersity)
Party Mountains: Best Aprés Ski Towns in America. I’ve already been to the ones in Colorado, and I also love both Killington and Park City (and will get to go to both in February)! (Thrillist)
Vail Resorts to Create the Largest Ski Resort in the U.S. (Hotel News Now)
The Olympics Realizes It May Have a Problem Attracting Nice Hosts. (Skift)
Travel Smarter: 18 Apps to Book Cheap Flights, Pack in a Hurry and Manage Upcoming Trips. (Zapier)
FAA’s New In-Flight Device Rule Breeds Takeoff Relaxation App. (Skift)
End of Berlin-Paris Sleeper Train Signals Last Call for Europe’s Night Trains. (Skift)
Pretty scenery! These are the coolest bridges in the world. (Thrillist)
The 8 Best Bad Ideas in Air Travel for 2014. (Skift)
The Legalities of Shooting People. (Monster Hunter Nation)
Equanimity and the 25% Rule. (A Country Doctor Writes)
Thorstein Veblen and Conspicuous Consumption. (Casual Kitchen)
Andrew Stanton: The clues to a great story. (Farnam Street)
So you want more time with family + friends? (The Small Change Project)
Best K-Cup Coffee: Keurig Taste Test by a Barista. Helpful since I just got a Keurig… (Thrillist)
Welp, Yelpers hate beer bars, too. Funny if you are a craft beer fan! (Brew York New York)
And finally for a laugh, this slayed me: The 2014 Hater’s Guide To The Williams-Sonoma Catalog. I died laughing at the hot cocoa pot! (Racked)
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