Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/iPad and enjoy 🙂

Fifty-eight Percent of Employers Have Caught a Lie on a Resume. These lies are hilarious! (Hotel News Now)
Full Disclosure: 12 Reasons You Probably Shouldn’t Be An Entrepreneur (The story no one tells). (Live Your Legend)
Related: How Much “Free Time” Do Entrepreneurs Really Have? (Under 30 CEO)
Working With Remote Managers. Welcome to my job! (LevoLeague)
Your Work Clothes Matter — Even At Home. Totally agree with this! My coworkers will tell you that I’m even guilty of overdressing a little bit when at casual clients. I just don’t feel like I get my best work done in jeans. (Business Insider)
Respect the End of the Meeting. I made it a goal one month to end my meetings at :25 or :55 (instead of :30 and :00) to give myself time to get to the next meeting, and was amazed at how big a change that was for people. We are all so guilty of this! (Time Management Ninja)
4 Traits All Lucky People Have in Common. (99 U)
How to Become a Morning Person. (Nerd Fitness)
How to Ruthlessly Prioritize Your Task List to Get More Done. (Zapier)
Email Is Ruining Us: A Brilliant Solution. This video is awesome! I love Hamblin’s dry delivery. (The Atlantic)
The One Feature that Made Me More Productive and Less Stressed. (Zapier)
How to Be a Gmail Ninja: Boost Your Productivity and Email Performance. (Under 30 CEO)
How to Improve Your Reading Retention on Any Device. Sad that one of the solutions is no devices though 🙁 (Crew Labs)
How To Stop Being Lazy And Get More Done – 5 Expert Tips. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
17 Small Productivity Habits. (Farnam Street)
How to Make Sure I’ll Have a Good Day. (Slim Sanity)
It’s like a cycling studio, only with treadmills. Group classes + running = my favorite kind of exercise!
Another new studio that looks awesome: You can throw spears at this new fitness studio (Well + Good NYC)
Calorie Counting Machine May Make Dieting Easier In The Future. This would be so great for making sure you’re counting accurately! (NPR)
Here’s What Happened When I Tried a Children’s Weight-Loss App. I thought this was awesome till someone pointed out how it could increase the risk of eating disorders. Now I’m torn. (Time Magazine)
8 Glasses Per Day is a Myth: The Truth About Hydration. (Crew Labs)
Mining online reviews to find out what women REALLY want on a trip. (TNooz)
The Coming Robot-ification of Hospitality Is Near. (Skift)
Hotel Uses TED-Like Talks to Build Brand Loyalty with Clients. (Skift)
American Express Unveils The Centurion(SM) Lounge in New York LaGuardia Airport. Hooray! I can’t wait to check it out. (Travel Industry Wire)
Crazy conspiracy theory… but some parts are convincing! Something is rotten in the Denver airport. (The Chive)
Why awesomely cheap airline flights are actually terrible for the environment. (Quartz)
How to Never Check Luggage Again. (The Four Hour Workweek)
It’s Your Time to Fly: Why You Should Be Impractical and Move Somewhere New. (Under 30 CEO)
Colorado Marijuana Tourism Is Growing Like a Weed. No, that is not why I moved! (Skift)
Colorado has lots of ex-New Yorkers! – Where We Came From, State by State. (New York Times)
Eating alone? The new American diner flies solo. (CNBC)
Crimes Against Logic: Exposing the Bogus Arguments of Politicians, Journalists, and Others. (Farnam Street)
What my old-ass dog taught me about everything. (Medium)
When Times Get Tough…Should You Discuss It On Your Blog? I usually try not to post too much about it until it’s something I can present in a positive light, but it’s definitely a difficult balance. (Independent Fashion Bloggers)
Notes to My Younger Self. (The Small Change Project)
Finally, for a laugh: People Kept Complaining This Restaurant Sucked, Look What They Found Out! This is why I don’t usually take pics of my food at restaurants 🙂 (MetaPicture)
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I look forward to reading these every week! I love ’em. So entertaining. And now I’m obsessed with Under 30 CEO.
Glad you like them! I also had the chance to connect with Cesar from Under 30 CEO one time and he was really great… makes me even happier to support a site with such a great founder!
Holy cow on your very last link Laura. Hilarious!
Proof (I guess) that narcissism is the primary disease of the iPhone era. 🙂