Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/iPad and enjoy 🙂

Why You Can’t Catch Up. To me, this just shows the importance of getting things right the first time; we don’t always get second chances. (New York Times)
How You Can Have A Fulfilling Career – 10 Scientific Steps. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
#Sorrynotsorry: The New Girl Power? (Huffington Post)
What Super Successful Women Do for Exercise. (Levo League)
How to Start a Conversation You’re Dreading. (Peter Bregman)
Chances are you spend way too much time staring at screens every day. (A Year of Productivity)
7 Ways to Get Back Up and Pursue Your Goals. (Time Management Ninja)
The Common Pattern To Procrastination. (Farnam Street)
Want To Be Better at Life? Go Outside. (Crew Labs)
Reduce stress by changing up the way you talk. (We Work)
Ramifications of the Quantified Self. (Medium)
Depression F-ing Sucks! 5 Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW to Overcome It. (Under 30 CEO)
If Exercise Feels Like Work, Mindless Snacking May Follow. (NPR)
I just love it!’ Meet 15 senior athletes who will blow your mind. (Today Show)
Running 5 Minutes a Day Has Long-Lasting Benefits. Sweet! (New York Times)
This is useful: Anatomy of a Running Shoe. (Fit Bottomed Girls)
The tortoise and the hare: A sex difference in marathon pacing. (Science Daily)
Jen Selter as Fitness Expert. This has some great points when trying to figure out anyone to trust. (Men’s Health)
To hear from some real experts, this summit sounds pretty cool! National Endurance Sports Summit in Princeton, NJ. (aff)
Would you a plan a trip to one of America’s unhappiest cities? (Fox News)
Related: The 2014 Friendliest and Unfriendliest Cities in the U.S. (Conde Nast)
Why the In-Flight Call Ban on U.S. Airlines Is Such a Big Deal. (Skift)
And here’s another “you may complain but think about it from the airline’s perspective”: How Can Airlines Cope in Crisis When Social Media Breaks the Sound Barrier? (Skift)
Wonderfully said! William Deresiewicz’s Ivy League Essay Ignores Financial Aid Students. (New Republic)
How To Make Iced Coffee At Home Without A Coffee Maker! (Frugal Beautiful)
What’s Ours. (Ramshackle Glam)
Cool study! Though makes me sad for later in life… 29-Year-Olds Are The Most Popular. (MWF Seeking BFF) http://buff.ly/1qRUpat
Related, and this makes me feel good: Age 30 Is NOT a Deadline. (Life After College)
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