Today’s post is coming to you a bit late thanks to some mishaps on a camping/hiking expedition this weekend. But hope you still enjoy reading what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/iPad and enjoy 🙂

Is it time for a four-day workweek? (CBS News) Takes Up the Fight for Guaranteed Vacation Days in the U.S. (Skift)
5 Tips for Disconnecting on Vacation. I am so bad at this! (Levo League)
The First 3 Things to Do When You’re Back from Vacation. (Levo League)
Death to Deadlines: 5 Ways to Make Your Team More Effective. (Full Contact)
“Precrastinating” And Why It’s Just As Bad As Procrastinating. (Fast Company)
10 Realistic Ways to Keep Your Overflowing Inbox Under Control. (Zapier)
What’s Your Actual #1 Priority? (Hint: a priority isn’t a priority if you have 50 of them). (A Life Less BS)
Do You Have to Be Crazy to Reach Your Dreams? (Time Management Ninja)
Get Out of Your Head and Start Something. (Crew Labs)
Want to Grow? How to Make Tiny Changes That Produce Enormous Results. (Under 30 CEO)
The 8 Things The Happiest People Do Every Day. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
I fear I may be responsible for this, given the large quantity that I’ve been consuming lately… The Great Kale Shortage Is Upon Us. (Modern Farmer)
9 Creative Low-Carb Noodle Recipes. Perfect ideas for use with my Vegetti! (Daily Burn)
Paleo, vegan, gluten-free — the only certainty about health trends is their reversal. (Los Angeles Times)
It’s Too Much! How to Handle Health Information Overload. (Huffington Post)
5 Ab Workout Mistakes You May Be Making. (Bustle)
8 Anything-But-Ordinary Treadmills. (Daily Burn)
Cool infographic: Cotton, Fast Food, and Pace: How NOT to Run a Marathon. (ProForm Fitness)
Healthy Hacks for Staying Fit On the Road. (Nerd Fitness)
Westin Expands It’s Westin Well-Being Movement. (Hotel News Now)
Why good hotels have bad WiFi, and how to avoid them. (Tnooz)
What’s Keeping Chicago Off International Tourists’ Bucket Lists? (Skift)
Using verified travel reviews to understand business travelers. (Tnooz)
10 Rules for Flawless Travel That Will Change Your Life. (Martha Stewart)
How Far Will U.S. Flyers Go for In-Flight Wi-Fi? (Skift)
SITA adds smartwatch boarding capability to airline armoury. (Tnooz)
Few Female Commercial Pilots. (Business Insider)
This video is eye-opening: Lets Make #LikeAGirl Mean AMAZING things! (YouTube)
10 Things Only People Over 30 Know About Dating. (Huffington Post)
Part satire, part total truth: Why I Will Never Raise My Kids In NYC. (Thrillist)
Cool business model: Would You Pay $1,000 Once to Get Free Beer for Life? (City Lab)
6 Easily Adoptable Traits of People Who are Nuttily Successful with Money. (And Then We Saved)
Finally, to get inspired, check out this video. I’ve cried with amazement each time I watched! #MightyKacy (Yahoo Sports)
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