Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/iPad and enjoy 🙂

Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy. (Wait, But Why?)
Benefits of Company Sports Leagues. (Levo League)
The Truth About Tinder and Women Is Even Worse Than You Think. (Business Week)
Subtle Ways Women Are Treated Differently At Work. (Business Insider)
Related: The Princess Effect. (Politico Mag)
7 Notable Women on Work-Life Balance. (Levo League)
31 Ways Your Meetings Are Inefficient. I’ve definitely had at least one meeting with each of these flaws! (Time Management Ninja)
18 Tips for Working From Home Effectively. (Inc)
5 Ways You’re Telling People Your Time Isn’t Valuable. (Time Management Ninja)
9 Habits You Need to Stop Now. (Farnam Street)
NowDoThis: A Dead Simple To-Do List to Help You Focus. (FullContact)
Forget The “To-Do” List, You Need A ‘Stop Doing’ List. (Farnam Street)
The End of the Day Philosophy. (Zen Habits)
How To Motivate Yourself: 3 Steps Backed By Science. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
4 Ways to Use Social Media to Connect With Anyone And Make Them Act! (Buffer)
When It Hurts, Remember This: YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS. (A Life Less BS)
Is Muscle Memory a Real Thing? (Nerd Fitness)
The Joy of Exercising in Moderation. (The Atlantic)
Am I Estimating My Workout Intensity Correctly? (Outside Magazine)
What the Therapist Thinks About You. (New York Times)
Confirmed: Drinking 1.5L Extra-Water a Day Helps Young Women Shed Body Fat – 2.8lbs in 8 Weeks! (Suppversity)
I’m going to start trying this! Let’s Cool It in the Bedroom. (New York Times)
Southwest Turns Discarded Leather Seats Into Soccer Balls. (Skift)
Electronic Device Usage On Buses Leaves Airlines Way Behind. (Skift)
Ultimate Guide to Airline Fees. (Smarter Travel)
Rogue Business Travelers Are Misguided, Amex Partner Says. (Skift)
Why You Secretly Hate Cool Bars. (Wait, But Why?)
10 Words Every Girl Should Learn. (Alternet)
What Happened When We Gave Our Daughter My Last Name. That this was that controversial really surprised me! (The Hairpin)
Finally, for a laugh (at how spoiled this girl will grow up to be): Virginia Man Claims Kingdom So His Daughter Can Be a Real Princess. (Jezebel)
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