Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/iPad and enjoy 🙂

Great/funny infographics: Get Hired. (Fosslien)
How to Ease the Pain of Hearing Critical Feedback. (Zapier)
Glamour Photos Replace Selfies for Personal Branding. (New York Times)
Women can’t have it all, says Pepsi’s mother-of-two boss. (Daily Mail)
A counterpoint: Leadership and Personal Happiness. (Shades of Leadership)
5 Ways People Hurt Their Credibility Without Even Realizing It. (Levo League)
TMI? How to Personalize Your Emails Without Being Creepy. (Hubspot)
Why Do First Impressions Matter? (Forbes)
How We Store Memories in Other People’s Heads. (Crew Labs)
Your To-Don’t List: 9 Things to Stop Doing Now. (Daily Muse)
Related: Brag About What You Are Not Doing. (Time Management Ninja)
How To Be Resilient: 8 Steps To Success When Life Gets Hard. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
How to Deal with Haters. (Nerd Fitness)
Watch out, Lululemon fans! 10 brands that will disappear in 2015. (Yahoo Finance)
Quick trick for bike riding with a skirt! (Penny In Yo Pants)
Burn More Calories on the Elliptical With This Simple Trick. (Fit Bottomed Girls)
50 Secrets of the World’s Longest Living People. (Ben Greenfield Fitness)
Why Your Yoga Class Is So White. (The Atlantic)
Jet Lag Snacks: How Foods Affect Your Body’s Internal Clock. (Discover Magazine)
Spanish Airports Are Testing Travelers to See if They’re Happy. (Skift)
Two guys missed the last flight out of DFW; they invented 9 ways to avoid boredom in the airport. (HappyPlace)
Air New Zealand in-flight safety video labelled sexist, triggers petition. To me this petition is way too PC; I’ve seen Bud Light commercials that are more risque. (Tnooz)
Hooray! Boeing Now Offers Bigger Luggage Bins on Its Most Popular Domestic Jet. (Skift)
But: The future of US air travel doesn’t look pretty. (Quartz)
Marriott CEO Concedes Airbnb Does Local Better. (Skift)
The Fake Rooftop Towns of World War II. (Messy Nessy Chic)
Miles O’Brien on Life After Losing a Limb. (New York Magazine)
5 Bizarre Factors That Secretly Make Criminals Target You. (Cracked)
The 25 Most American Things You Can Do in America. Thank god I’ve not done almost any of these! (Thrillist)
Finally, this awesome 80s mashup has been making me smile all week 🙂 (YouTube)
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Wow, I’ve done 14 out of 25 of the ‘most American things to do in America’. Fortunately, shooting guns and going to monster truck rallies are not my thing, or I’d be a total cliche.