Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/iPad and enjoy 🙂

The One Interview Question You Must Consider. (Levo League)
5 Reasons Not To Add Your Work Colleagues On Facebook. I have a policy of never accepting friend requests from clients or coworkers unless I or they leave the firm. I think it just introduces too much ambiguity to mix business and personal life like that. Besides, that’s what LinkedIn is for! (Under 30 CEO)
3 Simple Steps to Making Money From Any Passion. (Zen Habits)
In the Age of Experience, Great Design is Your Business Plan. (Zapier)
Be the Sugar Cookie and Other Unique Advice From Admiral William H. McRaven. (Levo League)
Here’s The Schedule Very Successful People Follow Every Day. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
Busy Bee Syndrome – When Companies Mistake Busyness with Productivity. (Time Management Ninja)
Related: The No. 1 Reason You’re Too Busy. (LinkedIn)
Winning An Argument. (Farnam Street)
What happens when you’ve evolved and those around you haven’t? (The Small Change Project)
Rethinking the Colorful Kindergarten Classroom. (New York Times)
Train to Win: 4 Steps to Achieve Any Fitness Goal. (Daily Burn)
When Doctors Treat Patients Like Themselves. (New York Times)
The Great Hamstring Saver. (New York Times)
The One Exercise That Just Might Change Your Running Forever. (Huffington Post)
Get Outside. I wholeheartedly agree with Ashley’s advice after my awesome day of hiking yesterday! (Healthy Happier Bear)
25 fitness tips bari trainers swear by. (Bari Studio)
Can Your Diet Be Too Clean? (Q by Equinox)
Related: Yes, I Can Eat That. So much YES to this awesome post about why you should stop restricting what you eat when chances are, you really don’t have to. (Trainer Paige)
A restaurateur perspective on Priceline buying OpenTable. (TNooz)
Ugh, this sucks: Rio Mayor Says His Sea of Trash Is Staying Put for the Olympics. (Skift)
But in cool news: The Midwest Hotel Brand Putting Beds Inside Contemporary Art Museums. (Skift)
Reclining aeroplane seats: Upright and uptight. (Economist)
If you read no other link I ever post about the airline industry, read this one. It’s really comprehensive: An investor’s must-know overview of the airline industry. (MarketRealist)
Another back-to-basics: How airlines make ‘less than $6 per passenger’. (CNN)
What the F*&@ is an Auxiliary Power Unit? (Cranky Flier)
Making sense (and business) out of irrational behaviour. (Tnooz)
My Struggles with Eating Boring Food. (Zen Habits)
Stephen Cave: The Four Stories we tell Ourselves About Death. (Farnam Street)
Long but fascinating read: The dead line. (Practically Efficient)
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Thanks for sharing my post, friend! Hope to see you soon! 🙂
It was a great one – thank YOU for writing it!