Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/iPad and enjoy 🙂

11 signs your IT project is doomed. (ComputerWorld)
The Costs of Working Too Much. (The New Yorker)
Fearlessly Freelance: 6 Tips From People Who Took the Plunge. (Learn Vest)
Asana’s Justin Rosenstein on the One Quality Every Startup Needs to Survive. (First Round)
My mom asked me this week what the point of LinkedIn was, making this article particularly relevant: All LinkedIn with Nowhere to Go. (The Baffler)
5 Secrets to Better Life Habits. (Learn Vest)
How to Manage Your Time. (Corporette)
How to battle email burnout: Expert advice from email-efficient CEOs. (OOOMF)
Are you a natural born liar? Try this 5 second test. (Richard Wiseman)
8 Ways To Beat Loneliness. (Thought Catalog)
Comprehensive infographic: How Much Water Should You Drink While Exercising? (Greatist)
Exhale on Your Left Foot to Avoid Side Stitches While Running. (Lifehacker)
Great tips here for race newbies! An Open Letter to Racers. (Fit Bottomed Girls)
Eat Too Much Over The Weekend? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Freak Out. (Huffington Post)
Do You Know How To Suffer? (A Life Less BS)
Side By Side Comparison Of The World’s Top Athlete Body Shapes. (DeMilked)
So great! Online Donors Send Jamaican Bobsled Team To Sochi. (NPR)
I’m a bit of a figure skating fan, so found this fascinating: Despite Revamp, Figure Skating Gets Mixed Marks. (New York Times)
How Olympians Stay Motivated. (The Atlantic)
I really loved this awesome response to a terrible question. Is Teaching Fitness a Legitimate Career? (Rate Your Burn)
Broken down, how OTAs are eating hotel business. (TNooz)
An Olympian Snow Endeavor in Sochi. (New York Times)
2,000 Flyers Riot in Chinese Airport After 5-Hour Long Shutdown. (Skift)
Newark Airport Is Getting a Second Rail Line Into New York City. About time, after last week’s post-Superbowl mess! (Skift)
NYC Tourism Challenges People to Pronounce ‘Prix Fixe’ for Restaurant Week. How on earth else would you pronounce prix fixe?? (Skift)
Is frequent-flier status everything it used to be? (USA Today)
Why Airlines Reschedule Flights More Often and More Drastically. Oof, I’ve been on the losing side of this one plenty. (Wall Street Journal)
Must read for anyone who flies: TSA Agent Confession. (Politico)
Even without the savings factor, this sounds fun: Fine Canadian Winemaking with Mr. Frugal Toque. (Mr. Money Mustache)
On the other side of the alcohol-making spectrum: Why You Should Care About the Anheuser-Busch/Blue Point Deal. (Brew York New York)
I loved this infographic, and definitely need to do a wardrobe detox once I move: Wardrobe Diagnostics: Why you don’t have anything to wear. (Into Mind)
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