At some point late this spring, I started realizing that my 100th marathon was coming up. I still can’t believe that I’m this close to running 100 marathons! I knew that I wanted my 100th marathon to be extra special… but that meant a lot of pressure to choose just the right race.
There are a lot of marathons that I like just fine – and I had already signed up for one this fall that I really like, the Wineglass Marathon, to run it with my friend Theodora. I thought about making Wineglass my 100th marathon, since it’s where I hold my current PR and it’s also fairly close to where I went to school in upstate New York. Maybe a Finger Lakes wine tour would be a good post-race celebration?
I put off choosing a 100th marathon for a while, and was definitely guilty of “letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.” All spring I kind of told myself “yeah, I’ll get to figuring it out at some point,” but when July came and I realized I was only seven marathons away (that’s only about half a racing season in crazy 50by25 land!), I knew I needed to pick one or I was going to end up “accidentally” running my 100th and not having it be special at all.
The ironic thing was, I think all along I knew which race I wanted to be my 100th marathon. It’s my favorite marathon, I have dozens of friends running it, and its location is quite special to me. Unfortunately, this marathon is nearly impossible to get into without advance planning, and I just didn’t see a way to make it happen anymore – it seemed like that ship had sailed. But at the encouragement of my friends, I decided to try something I honestly didn’t think would work: I emailed the race organizers. I figured they must get hundreds of emails a day with one story or another, but it couldn’t hurt to ask. And now – I’m in!!!

I was literally jumping up and down with excitement when I got the news that I was accepted to run the 2013 ING New York City Marathon. After running all over the country (and in several other countries too!), I cannot wait to run my 100th marathon in my hometown. I get to run with dozens of my good friends plus thousands of fellow runners who are just friends waiting to happen. I get to run the same race as my friend Adam, who started blogging with me back in 2008 and whom I talk to online almost daily, but who I haven’t yet met in person. I get to run a course I know quite well, having run it once in 2009 and again in 2010 as a pacer for tennis pro Justin Gimelstob (we beat Roddick!). I get to run the final miles of the race coming down the east side of Central Park, like I’ve done so many times before when it’s not marathon day, and I get to think about the other amazing runs I’ve had along that same stretch of pavement – my first ever half marathon, my longest ever ultramarathon, and the training run that kicked off my friendship with Theodora. Since it’s not far to travel, I know that all along the route I’ll have dozens of my non-runner friends and family cheering me on – and some amazing friends from far away have already told me they’ll be there with bells on. And of course, after the race, I can throw a huge celebration of how lucky I am to have such amazingly supportive friends and family who’ve helped me through this hundred marathon journey. (If any readers are in town, I would love it if you’d join me for this party! More details to come…)
So with that announcement made – click on over to my newly updated upcoming races page and check out my fall schedule 🙂 I am so very excited about the months ahead!
PS – If you’d like a chance to run too, Foot Locker and ASICS have joined forces to create the #CelebrateRunning sweepstakes that gives four lucky winners Golden Ticket entries into this year’s ING NYC Marathon! Enter to win here, but hurry – the contest ends Sunday night!
woo-hoo! congrats! Can’t wait to hear about all your running adventures this fall. You’re such an inspiration!!
WOW! Congratulations! What an accomplishment!
100 marathons?! Girl, you are a beast! I’m always in awe and inspired by you. Can’t wait to read the recap of your 100th marathon accomplishment 🙂
Awesome for you! what an accomplishment getting to 100…I doubt I could ever do that many Marathons. You are such an inspiration and I’m glad you were able to find the perfect 100th race. I’m running Wineglass too this year! It will be my first wineglass race and 3rd marathon. Love your race recap from wineglass last year! best of luck for your 100th!
Awesome 100th marathon to run! I have started thinking more like this recently “the worst thing that could happen is they could say no. So why not ask/try?” Now I just need to start applying it a bit. 🙂
Laura! This is beyond exciting! I’m so excited that NYC will be your 100th marathon! Your 100th. My 1st. I’m so happy for you, friend!!!!!!!!! Go get that world record! I’ll be cheering you on the entire way.
I’m so glad you’re getting to do NYC as your 100th marathon. I see you’re doing Hartford. Maybe I’ll see you there.
so awesome and exciting!
Yay!!!!!!! I hope I can do NYC someday 🙂
YEEEEESSSSSS now I know for sure I’ll get to see you…as you run past me!! 🙂
Amazing! Happy early 100th marathon!!! I will be running NYC too (its only my 6th), but I am super excited to be out pounding the pavement of my hometown.
I’m so excited for you! I’m excited for a meet up at wineglass and excited you got your “dream 100”!! So cool and inspiring! I’ll be at NYC this year cheering, as my best friend will be running it as her first (she qualified with a crazy fast half time).
So excited for you! Way to take the chance and email the organizers. I’m so glad they let you in!
You are just incredible, Laura!!! I’ll be volunteering at the Mile 22 fluid station with Oiselle Team and can’t wait to cheer you on.
First, congrats on getting ready for #100!
Second, I often why we put more emphasis on some numbers and less on others. Why can’t #123 be extra special?
Reminds me of how my nerdy BFF and I celebrated extra hard for our “3 cubed” birthdays and lamented that we wouldn’t have another cubed birthday for years and years 🙂
Hi Fit girl!
Congratulations! I am so proud of you! And I am so happy to have you as a fitness friend. You inspire me and so many people with your fitness as well as your wonderful personality and sense of humor. I love your blog!
Keep on runnin’ girl!
all the best
Congrats! I am so happy and excited for you!!
I ran my 100th race in Chicago so I know the feeling of running your 100th marathon in NY.
I ran the Hartford Marathon and few years ago. It is a nice race and you’ll like it. I’m thinking of running the half marathon but cannot find a cheap airfare from Chicago. Will keep looking.
I’ve done Hartford twice and loved it both times! Hope you can join 🙂
Girl, this is awesome!! Congrats. I’m thinking about my first :). We’ll see!
YES! Let me know which one you pick 🙂
I just got introduced to your blog and I am insanely impressed – you are AMAZING! I just started running last year and while I’ve come pretty far, I’m still scared by the though of a race that has a “thon” involved in it. Thank you for inspiring me to push further 🙂
Aww, thanks, Kathleen! The hardest part is getting started in the first place – let me know if you have any running questions or if I can help at all.
Maybe a Finger Lakes wine tour would be a good post-race celebration?
Um, YES.
I thought about making Wineglass my first half marathon, but I waited too long to sign up and it sold out. My husband and I got married in the Finger Lakes (at Wagner!), so it is very special to us. If I ever run a marathon*, it will be that one.
*I don’t think I want to run a marathon. 🙂
I love Wagner! One of my favorite restaurants, Dano’s on Seneca, is nearby. I am definitely planning to go there while in town for Wineglass 🙂
100 marathons – that’s amazing! I’m working up to my first half-marathon either late this fall or early spring, and just that seems daunting. Wishing you an awesome 100th!
Good luck, Sierra! Which half are you running?
Thanks Laura! I’ve been thinking about the Tiburon by the Bay Half in early November,, but I haven’t committed yet. I’m new to running and I’m not sure I’ve built up enough of a base to be able to run it the way I think I can in my head lol.
I love when a Groupon makes a race into such a good deal 🙂 I say just go for it but take it easy on race day – you’ll never know if you don’t try!
Congrats! It will definitely be a special one! 😀