Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/iPad and enjoy 🙂

Just Say No: 7 Canned Responses You Can Use. (The Daily Muse)
Desk jobs can be killers, literally. Don’t I know it! (The Washington Post)
Science of Success: Can Your Genes Turn You Into a Winner? (Learnvest)
Work Place Dynamics Not Much Different Than High School. Yikes. (Hotel News Resource)
This is thought-provoking: Are America’s Colleges Failing Working-Class Kids? (LearnVest)
20 Things 20-Year-Olds Don’t Get. I would like this to be mandatory reading for all first years at my firm! (Forbes)
How Saying “Hmmm” Instead Of “OK” Can Make You Thousands More Each Year. (xoJane)
Your Out of Office Message Stinks. Good tips, though I’m not averse to listing a few key contacts if you work on multiple projects. (Chris Brogan)
You’ve Got 25,000 Mornings as An Adult: 8 Ways to Improve Your Morning Routine. (Buffer Blog)
Got this from Chloe Carmichael, and it goes along well with my post yesterday on how I developed my own to-do list: How to Conquer Your To-Do List. (New York Times)
Always Choose Tools You’ll Use. (Time Management Ninja)
An oldie but goodie: How to Stop Procrastinating on Your Goals by Using the Seinfeld Strategy. (Buffer Blog)
This great technique was new to me: Fanatic Discipline and the 20 Mile March. (Under 30 CEO)
“Other runners aren’t the enemy; it’s that damn clock.” Jordan Hasay’s 10km World Championship Qualifying Attempt. I love that running is all about beating yourself rather than others! (See Dane Run)
This made me laugh because it’s all so true. The terrible and wonderful reasons why I run long distances. (The Oatmeal)
My friend Daria sent me this, and I just want to know how I work for a company that does this?! Sweaty Wall Streeters Skip Booze for Spin-Class Meetings. (Businessweek)
Many quick answers to all your burning questions here: The World’s Quickest Advice Column, Part 2. (Nerd Fitness)
Quick infographic: Is drinking cold water going to lean you out? (Suppversity)
How do you design fitness trackers for the people who really need them? Really great point that the people using them tend to already be fairly health-conscious. (CNN Money)
Time for me to create some food rituals! Study: Food Tastes Better When It’s a Big F-ing Deal. (Greatist)
My friend Kelly sent me this, and I definitely want to try it next time I go to France! Paris at the Speed of Sneakers. (New York Times)
In addition to spin class meetings, I wish my company had options to work like this! Meetings spaces hit the great outdoors. (Hotel News Now)
Marketing Travel to Women: Eight New Trends You Need to Know. (Business 2 Community)
No extra marketing needed here – I love this trend! 🙂 Hotels Raising Revenue with Booze and Cool on their Rooftops. (Skift)
Mythbusting: Why’d They Cancel My Favorite Flight? It’s Always Full! (Condé Nast Traveler)
Ever feel like an imposter? Fear Of Being Found Out: Owning Our Flaws. (Run to the Finish)
Why it’s so hard to put down the book and go to bed already. (Modern Mrs. Darcy)
I’m not sure that these “almost classics” would be that hard to put down after the initial laugh 🙂 Book Titles With One Letter Missing. (Pleated Jeans)
And finally: Why You Should Date A Woman From New York. Did I mention I’m single? (Thought Catalog)
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Thanks for sharing these. I had to pass the “20 things people in their 20’s don;t get” to my fiance, he works for a company that loves to hire people right out of college because its got the startup feel to the company but they have a lot of issues with those people because of these 20 things!
Also really loved the Terrible/Wonderful long distance post….so true!
The 20 Things People In Their 20s Don’t Get was stirring up a lot of Twitter controversy!