Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/iPad and enjoy 🙂

5 Reasons You’re Miserable at Work and What to Do About It may sound like a real downer of an article, but it was actually surprisingly optimistic and solutions-oriented. We all have our bad days!
The MBA Rapper: Strategy by Day, Hip-Hop by Night. I went to college with this guy!
Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Wide Achiever? Some great career-pathing tips in here.
I’m starting a book club at my office, and our first book is Lean In (yes, cliched, but it’s a great read and its popularity makes it an easy way to gain traction). But to set our discussion apart, I want to steer the discussion toward Shine Theory: Why Powerful Women Make the Greatest Friends.
The 10 Productivity Problems Your Company Is Ignoring. Accepted lateness is one of my pet peeves (and yet, I’ve started doing it too!). It can be hard to get a cultural change happening, but I agree that everyone should work on these things.
Manage your energy and Rearrange Your Day for Maximum Effectiveness. “Leverage the Lulls” is such a fun mantra to repeat to myself, and yet it’s also exactly what I need to start working on.
Does Drinking Beer Make You More Creative? I’m all for anything that encourages more beer consumption! Can we get some in my meetings? 🙂
It’s easier to change if you take baby steps. So Pick 5 Little Things To Change Your Life Today.
Use groupthink to your advantage – social proof works! Behavior change: How do you get people to do the right thing?
I loved this article from Greatist on why we procrastinate, especially this quote: “Do you know when people display the highest degree of creativity? …it’s when they make up excuses to postpone doing the things they should.”
Think you’re fit? The World’s Healthiest 75-Year-Old Man can probably kick your butt in his workout!
One of the best “why I run posts” I’ve ever read! My Running Evolution, by Ashley over at Healthy Happier Bear.
Heading inside to run now that it’s getting hot? 8 Treadmill Habits To Avoid At The Gym.
Here’s a great step-by-step checklist to help you lose weight or reach any other goal you want – How I Finally Faced My Weight & Debt Problems.
Into science and data? This piece on the effects of Ramadan fasting on weight/body composition is really interesting. I found it especially fascinating to see how the unintended side effects of fasting impacted men and women differently!
I’m a big believer in workout variety, and I was especially psyched to see this collaborative article from two of my favorite sources, Ari Meisel and Greatist. Want to Fend Off Disease? Mix Up Your Workouts!
This was hilarious, and yet also kind of insightful. I Tried Gwyneth Paltrow’s Diet and a Got a Rash on My Face.
HUGE news – B6 adding a new service class?! Airbus FAA filing reveals how JetBlue will offer mini-suites & divider.
Finally! I proposed this back in college for my airline management thesis, and it’s so cool to see that it’s now being implemented! The new luggage that wants to talk to your iPhone. (But please, Apple worshippers, remember that Android users actually outnumber you and that you ought to develop an Android version.)
World’s most beautiful airports welcome flyers with innovative design. A friend and I were just discussing how sad it is that JFK is the entry point for visitors to New York City, and how we really ought to be making a better impression – I’m shocked to see any parts of it on this list.
Productivity Lost Due to Powering Down Electronic Devices? Agree, agree, agree. It sucks when the FA is making me turn off my laptop right when I’ve finally achieved flow and am GSD.
The future of hotel tech! Aloft’s Smart Check-In Program Is Gaining Serious Momentum. I hope it gets rolled out to other Starwood brands, stat!
Is this the tech utopia hotel we really want on our holidays? Yes, yes, and yes please. See my article in last week’s Links I Love on must-haves for the millenial traveler.
How should you choose your goals and what if others don’t like them? Great food for thought here – Life, Love, Lower Learning.
31 Great Quotes About Being In Your 20s. Honestly, I am loving my 20s (and yet am not scared at all of my 30s – I don’t see why age has to define us), but some of these are still spot-on.
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Wow – these are some great links, I’m going to have to come back when I have more time!
Relating to the drinking/creativity thing – I had a professor in design school who used to tell us to go home, get drunk, and sketch, because we’d get some of our best ideas, then.
Yup, did it. Sometimes the ideas didn’t make much sense later, though!
Haha that’s awesome! As a follow up, here’s another post along the same lines, that talks about how you combine coffee and beer for maximum effectiveness: http://buff.ly/15NKVTI