Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/iPad and enjoy 🙂
This week, I’m testing a new format and ascribing categories to the links I’m posting – though of course, many span multiple categories! Do you like this category approach, or do you prefer the random miscellany? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Four Steps to Find Your Career Path, from Oprah Magazine. I don’t know that I’ve yet figured out exactly what I want from my career, but I do think this has some great points about figuring out your passions and following them!
Although the title sounds harsh/depressing, 5 reasons you’re miserable at work and what to do about it actually has some great ideas to pull yourself out of a rut – one that isn’t necessary caused by being in the wrong job.
I definitely worked this weekend – did you? It’s crazy how we take work everywhere we go, and I can’t say that I’m quite at the point where I can just say “screw work” and refuse to answer. How the Smartphone Killed the Three-Day Weekend.
19 Signs You Are Burned Out (And Probably Need A Vacation). But does that vacation come with a smartphone? 🙂
Incredible analogy via @MissyTitus, and I think if you read nothing else in this post, you should read this. “Why do women try to get ahead by pulling men down?”
Spend time wisely: How to focus on the things that matter. Comprehensive and insightful!
Fascinating studies on self-confidence! Is being delusional a good thing?
I’m all about efficiency, so I really love these 10 Tips to Help You Carve More Time Out of Your Day.
Why, yes, I do read everything I can find on productivity – but I use a simple Excel workbook for my various to-do lists. I definitely agree that simple is the way to go! 7 Mistakes You’re Making by Overthinking Your Productivity.
Speaking of simple: 9 Rules for a Simpler Day.
Why you should put yourself in uncomfortable situations. I think I’ve gotten good at doing this with travel – but now travel doesn’t make me uncomfortable! Perhaps I need to start mixing it up again more – you don’t grow until you push yourself.
Oof, another great wakeup call here! Probably something I need to pay more attention to at times, especially when the bar is set low. Are You Choosing to Be Average?
Sitting Is Making Us Fat and Achy. Not that we didn’t know that already, but this includes some good tips on what you can do to fight it.
Ever wonder why your race has “unofficial results” and doesn’t get “official results” posted until a few weeks later? Here’s some fantastic information from the Vermont City Marathon on race results and why it takes so long to make them official.
As it turns out, I’m totally all Type A (personality and muscle fibers)! Why You Can Run 10 Miles But Get Winded Walking Up Stairs.
Does Having Kids Mean You Can’t Travel? I totally believe in making conscious choices instead of excuses, whether it’s about travel or anything else.
Riveting, but I wouldn’t suggest reading if you are currently traveling. (Never mind that I’m writing this post from a plane.) The Plane Was About to Crash. Now What? (PS – if you enjoy this, I’d highly recommend Crashers by Dana Haynes as an excellent novel.)
Eight trends that define the rise of the millennial traveler. Yes yes yes to speed and connectivity – now will brands start complying?
Doomed to Be Single? 5 Reasons Millennials Worry. I’m not necessarily worried, but I thought this was some really interesting psychoanalysis.
Finally, for a laugh: “I’ll find a way to win at yoga class” – um, heck yes I will! Sh*t Your Fitness Instructor Says, from the Intel at Barry’s Bootcamp.
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I love when you post these, gives me some good reads!
Yay! Did you like the new categorized format or do you prefer a mish mash?
Can there be such a thing as too much information? Is it more effective to learn on our own what we can do to be our best? What has the greatest influence on our actions? What’s the lasting impact of most web information that we view/read/watch? I suppose the more I surround and train myself with information to be a better person, the better I will be, but is there a saturation point somewhere?
I think I clicked through to one article (give or take) in each section.
Danny, that’s usually how I approach other people’s link roundups too. Otherwise, way too much info to process at once!
Laura! I am going to do an experiment in developing fast-twitch muscle after I get back from wedding stuff. I’m all slow-twitch muscle and I get whooped by cyclists twice my age because I have no “explosiveness” on the bike. I haven’t finalized my approach yet, but I plan to reach out to the Boulder Center for Sports Medicine for some diagnostics to start. I’ll keep you posted!
I think Insanity should help a lot too – that’s a LOT of plyo and fast twitch!