Back from vacation. Real post coming soon. But in the meantime, a quick list!
How I’ve tested my stress response today:
1. Continued working through the 89234082348 emails that have accumulated in my inbox while I was on vacation. (Note to self: do not ever take vacation ever again unless retiring immediately after. Too hard to come back.)
2. Took my client up on the offer to try a Crossfit class in the parking lot during lunch (yes, in the Dallas heat). It turned out to be “Every Minute on the Minute” (which made me feel like one of the cool kids to know from Tina’s blog is also known as “EMOM”). Basically, you do a round of 4 burpees and 8 air squats as fast as you can, ideally finishing in around 20-30 seconds. The next round doesn’t start until 60 seconds after the first, so if you can finish quickly enough, you get 30-40 seconds of rest before the next round. Tough enough on its own, but I found the “10 seconds till the next round!” and “3… 2… 1… GO!” countdowns made my heart race almost as much as the workout.
3. The class ran long, finishing at 12:42pm and giving me only 18 minutes to get back inside, shower, change, eat lunch, and prep for a 1pm meeting at which I was presenting. Again, that kind of time stress was a cardiovascular workout in itself.
4. Someone added a slide to my presentation and didn’t tell me – leaving me to figure it out while standing in front of a room of 80 people presenting it. Surprise!
More fun post to come tomorrow, likely about my “summer bucket list” and what I did on my vacation last week.