February 16, 2012

Becoming certifiable

After an angry night last night, it’s time that I cheered up and focused on the positive. On Monday, I got an email from the Road Runners Club of America. They offer certification to become a running coach, which is something I’ve toyed with doing for a while. The problem is, their courses fill up crazy fast – within hours of opening. You have to be pretty darn committed and quick on your feet to get in! Which I suppose is not a bad thing for a running organization 🙂

Having been on their list for a while, the courses that have me the most intrigued are those that are run concurrently with a marathon. That is, a schedule where Friday/Saturday are spent in all day classes to get certification, and Sunday is kept open for the local marathon. I first saw this for the Sarasota Marathon in Florida, and was very tempted… but the course filled up before I could make up my mind.

This time, though, when I saw that there was going to be a Denver session offered alongside the Colfax Marathon, I hastened to make a decision. Two of my best friends (one from college, one from my first consulting job) happen to live in Denver, and I absolutely love the Rocky Mountain states anyway. May should be a good time to be out there (not too hot, not too cold), and I didn’t have anything going on that weekend just yet.

When I checked out the details for the Colfax Marathon, it did give me a bit of pause. All reviews seemed to say that the course was basically just uphill and heading out of town for the first 13.1 miles, and then turning around and coming straight back downhill for the second half. Not an easy course! But when I thought back on my Colorado marathon when I did my 50 state challenge, it was one of the toughest I’d done. Forget an “uphill” course – the Run Through Time Marathon that I did there was straight up a mountain, and there’s not much that’s tougher than that!

So after just 30 minutes of forethought, I booked the RRCA certification course and the marathon. Nothing like quick decision making, and now I’m pretty pumped for the entire shebang. Anyone else doing Colfax or the certification?


4 thoughts on “Becoming certifiable”

  1. No, I won’t be attending…my guess though is that there will be a plethora of run bloggers in this class if you ask around. It’s the thing to do now.

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