February 27, 2011

It’s Oscars night!

Yesterday, I finally made it out to see my first-and-only Oscars-nominated movie: The King’s Speech. WOW! It was fantastic. I could totally relate to all the vocal exercises that Bertie had to do, since that was pretty much what I did in voice class my whole first semester of college. Also like Bertie, I had vocal issues where my throat would kind of close up when I was nervous – which of course made it even worse because I would get even more panicky that my voice wasn’t working like it was supposed to. For me, it didn’t manifest in the form of a stammer; it turned into a super hoarse voice as if I had a sore throat. While I got to take voice lessons with one of the best teachers in New York (Kristin Chenoweth had the lesson after me one time, and another time my teacher rescheduled Richard Dreyfuss in order to accommodate my schedule!), the problem only truly went away when I decided to stop studying theater and transfer to business – which worked out to be the best decision I could have possibly made.

Anyway, the biggest lesson I got out of the movie was that… I need to go to the movies more! I think this is the first time I’ve been to the cinema since seeing the original Paranormal Activity in fall 2009. I had such a good time yesterday and wished that I made it a point to go to the movies more often. I don’t know what it is – I always enjoy it when I go, but it just never occurs to me as an activity. I think next year, one of my New Year’s resolutions is going to be to go to the movies at least once a month.

In the meantime, I’ll have a blast at the cheese-and-chocolate Oscars party my friends are throwing tonight… more for the purpose of drinking wine and camaraderie than seeing who wins anything 🙂 If you too are going to an Oscars party, check out this awesome Bingo game for a fun twist.

How many Oscar-nominated movies did you see? which were your favorite? Anything I absolutely have to see? (Black Swan is high on my list, though I’m scared of it since I’ve been told by many people that as a former dancer, it will probably really freak me out).


4 thoughts on “It’s Oscars night!”

  1. I just saw The Social Network. The King’s Speech and Black Swan are on my must-see movie list. My friend Rick said that he had his eyes closed for about 20 minutes of Black Swan because it was so graphic.

    I haven’t seen nearly as many of the nominated movies this year as I normally do.

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