June 7, 2010

I Am a World Record Holder!!!

Home again, and I don’t want to keep you in suspense! I’m exhausted, but figured I’d at least leave a quick recap for now in Razzdoodle style bullets:

  • I ended up wearing the sash that my mom made for me, which I loved. However, it was a little hard to read it because of the script-y font, so a lot of spectators were kind of confused. One guy called me Miss America (inaccurate, but rather appropriate considering I did run across America), and a whole lot of people called me Princess. I didn’t get the princess thing (princesses don’t wear sashes!) but loved it nonetheless!
  • The race was very hot and humid, but I managed a 4:06 finish, thanks in large part to my awesome friend John, who was with me up until mile 25.
  • I ran up the final hill and sprinted to the finish from there, passing all the mere mortals on my way 🙂
  • As I crossed the finish line, the announcer said, “Ladies and gentlemen, here she IS!” And proceeded with an awesome speech about who I was and how I had just broken the world record as the youngest woman to run a marathon in all fifty states. I was pacing around just across the line with my hands on my head in disbelief, looking like I’ve seen the elites look after they win Boston or New York or whatever. People were snapping pictures of me like I was a celebrity!
  • My parents had a huge banner made and were just before the finish, so they brought it to the finish area, and then my dad popped a bottle of champagne and sprayed it all over me. In true Absolut(ly) Fit fashion, I grabbed the rest of the bottle and chugged it, all while the local photographer took pictures. I hope that shot makes the front page!
  • From there, I headed to the waterpark in my hotel (yes, IN my hotel!) and took a quick ride on the waterslides before heading off to shower.
  • And finally, my post-race bash was held at an Irish pub where I didn’t eat a stitch of real food and instead drank WAY too much beer/cider. I got presented with a few awards from various organizations and I loved getting to celebrate with so many of my running friends!
  • Meanwhile, my phone battery is almost dead thanks to all the text messages, calls, voicemails, and e-mails I’ve been getting. Thank you all SO much for your support!

Full race report will come soon (plus pictures!), but if you’re in the NYC area, be sure to watch New York Nightly News with Chuck Scarborough tomorrow night – they’re interviewing me live on the show! You can catch it on NBC at 7pm EST. In other cool press: they announced me on the Minneapolis local news tonight in the race coverage. Check it out here (watch the video to the right of the article).


26 thoughts on “I Am a World Record Holder!!!”

  1. Huge achievement, congratulations on your world record. Look forward to reading full report. Once again amazing achievement inspiring and humbling.

  2. Big time congratulations on your accomplishment, that is absolut(ly) amazing. I had every intention of joining the post race festivities, but I was with you in spirit. Enjoy your celebrity world record holder status, enjoy some “normal” weekends, then start plotting your next great adventure!

  3. Congratulations! It has been a lot of fun following your journey.

    I have a feeling you’re not going to enjoy just running races like normal people. How are you going to generate the enthusiasm now?

    Enjoy this!!

  4. Congrats on your awesome achievement! My friend is a pro photographer and since you smoked my ass at the marathon, she took pics of you so I could pretend to be there. 🙂 If you’re interested I can email them to you. Lemme know.

    Congrats again!!

  5. Congrats, world record holder! I think from now on, you should add WR to the end of your name =) Haha!

    I’m happy to say I met and had lunch with you after Marathon #1 in SF when the plan was hatched!

    Thanks for taking all of us along on your amazing journey!

    Congratulations again!


    I also ran Minneapolis and I didn’t realize it until right now but I was standing right next to you at the start! I remember the sash! haha..
    What an amazing accomplishment, I’m glad you picked minneapolis as #50 🙂 I wish I would have recognized you on Sunday so I could have said Hello!
    Great Job Girl!

  7. you are amazing my dear and its been so fun to follow you on your journey! we were talking about you this weekend when i was with a group of bloggers… i still remember your first marathon! CONGRATS!!!!!

  8. CONGRATS!!!!! I haven’t had a chance to go through and read the other reports but I wanted to comment on this one. That is so awesome that you did it.

    Although, adding to Razz’s ego with the shout out is only going to go to his head. 🙂

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