March 31, 2010

The Post-Workout Race

I’ve actually been getting a bit better about working out since totally blowing it off this weekend. On Monday, I got up at 6:30 and did 30 minutes on the Gazelle trainer before work. But… as I was leaving the gym, I saw a sign that there was a new Zumba class on Monday nights. Sold! The only trick was, it was an hour long class (7:30pm-8:30pm) and I had plans to meet a friend for drinks at 9pm. I decided to go for it.

I dashed home from work for the class, and got home with twenty minutes to spare. I didn’t really want to wolf down dinner before jumping around, so I defrosted a turkey sausage and popped it in the fridge, then sliced open a bun and put it in the toaster – all I’d have to do was turn the toaster on, toss the sausage on the grill, then chow down. (And I had a big salad for lunch, in case you’re wondering where the veggies were – not my usual dinner, but it would work). I also laid all my clothes out on the bed, and lined my shoes up by the door. I was set!

After throwing on some sweats and heading downstairs, I had a total blast at the class – Zumba is so much fun! The only time I had ever done it before was after my Arizona marathon, when they had it at the finish festival, but that was a bit abbreviated since it was about 15 minutes after running a new PR in the marathon 🙂 I loved it though, both then and now! You all know that I grew up dancing, so it was great to get that in a workout. My gym usually has pretty bad classes, so I was psyched that they finally had one I liked, and there were only 4 of us in the class! I’ll definitely be back.

But the second the class ended, the race was on. I toweled off as I powered out of the gym (I hadn’t anticipated just how much I would sweat in the class), and within two minutes I was back in my apartment (my heart was even still racing from the class). I plugged the George Foreman grill on, saving a step by putting the sausage on even before it was preheated. Turning the toaster on, I then jumped in the shower for a very quick rinse – my hair would have to go as-is (with a cute headband and some nice styling). With my going-out clothes all laid out on my bed, I was able to get dressed in record time, finishing just as the food was ready. Perfect.

I quickly plated it up, adding a generous amount of spicy brown mustard (must remember to brush teeth!), and wolfed that down as I put makeup on. 13 minutes after the class had ended, and I was just about set! I mouthwashed while spritzing on perfume and tossing my things into a different purse, then did a quick brush just before heading out the door.

I lost two minutes doubling back for a forgotten umbrella, but I was still proud of my time. 17 minutes from sweaty gym rat to bar-ready. Does that qualify me for an age group award?

9 thoughts on “The Post-Workout Race”

  1. Hey, I have a quick question for ya. Could you email me when you get a chance? A bloggy friend of mine, Sam, is running 60 marathons this year for Train4Autisim. His son Jack is severly autistic and he has started Operation Jack in his honor. He is having some flight issues and I thought of you right away!!
    his blog is:

  2. NIce work! I do that sometimes and am always impressed when I can pull it off and make it to dinner/drinks/etc on time. And since I don’t wash the hair every day anyway, sometimes it’s not perfect, but who cares?! The friends won’t judge…that’s for sure.

  3. 1) I plan everything like that. Everything I do has to be done in the most efficient manner ever.

    2) Ummmm a BOSTON MARATHON SHOT? Wooooo. I am trying to figure out where to be, since I might jump in to run with a friend, but she’s slower than you…. I might be waiting at mile 20. Would that be too far from the finish for you?

  4. Ha Ha…of course I know you are here…and OMG I was just reading your article and I know how you feel…and I am also going to respond to Katie A in you comments because her friend Sam – wow…that is amazing…in any case…loving the blog as always – love MG

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