February 15, 2010

Here I Am

This weekend, I ran the Austin Marathon. While in Austin, I stayed with my old blog buddy Chia. Turns out, she abandoned her blog too – which made me feel a tad bit better for not posting for so long (I felt really guilty, especially after all the comments wondering where I was… but just couldn’t bring myself to post). However, it also made me realize how much I missed all of you, and really gave me a kick in the pants to get back to posting.

The short story is, things have been a bit of a mess for the last few months. It’s been throwing me into a depression (to the point where I was skipping out on my obligations to stay in bed and cry and be miserable), but now I’m starting to turn things around and hopefully get better. I’m very sorry to all of you who were upset/worried that I disappeared without a trace. I know it wasn’t fair, but like everything else I’m trying to fix in my life, all I can do is apologize and promise to try harder. Forgive me, please?

In good news, despite my depression, I’ve been keeping up with marathons, and am still on track to set the world record this year (check out my upcoming races to join me in the final countdown). The last few races weren’t necessarily bright and shiny affairs (several of them involved a lot of tears along the way), but I did complete them, and I even sometimes started writing some race reports for them. I’m going to start posting on a more regular basis, but as for the race reports, I’ll get them up when I can. My plan is to backdate them so they show up in the order I actually ran them, but I’ll put a link in the current post so you don’t have to constantly go through the old posts to see if I added something new.

Looking forward to catching up with you all!

40 thoughts on “Here I Am”

  1. It is unfortunate that you’ve experienced a rough patch in life. I am happy to hear that you are doing better, continuing with your goal, and now have returned to blogging. I missed your posts and can’t wait to read about your adventures.
    Take care!

  2. Never posted before but just wanted to say I’m glad to see you in my Google Reader 🙂 Take all the time you need, but definitely know your posts were missed!! Looking forward to some updates. This world record you’re going to set is amazing. I think you once wrote about a Nike or Adidas quote (I forget?) that said “Impossible is nothing” – you define that quote. Hope you start feeling better soon 🙂

  3. I am SO GLAD THAT YOU’RE BACK! Life happens and things get in the way. No one is going to blame you–we’re all just excited to hear about your races… I’m rooting for you! (BTW, I’m running my first marathon in 2 weeks…and you were a big inspiration for me.)

    Hope everything is getting better, slowly but surely.

  4. Yay! You’re back! I’ve missed your race recaps. Even when your races are not-so-fun, you are still an inspiration. One of these I’ll complete a marathon too 🙂

  5. Hoooray ! I am glad you are back. I was wondering about you the other day. As for me, I have retired from my blog. I am sorry to hear that you are having some difficult times. Believe me, it will get better. It will get brighter.
    Hey.. I see that you are going to be a pacer for the New Jersey Marathon. How cool is that? I live about five miles from the starting line. Hope to meet you there.
    FYI – I have signed up for three marathons this year so hopefully we can meet. (Cleveland, Toronto and Baltimore).
    Once again, Welcome back !

  6. hey, great to see a post from you! I’m sorry you’ve been having a rough time and I hope everything is on the up-and-up. congrats on staying on track for your goal through rough times!

  7. It was such an awesome surprise to see you in my Reader! I did a double take because I couldn’t believe it. I’m glad to know you know you’ll be okay. Cheers and welcome back!

    (Okay, really I wanted to hug my laptop)

  8. I had no idea you were running Austin. You know i live in Austin now and ran the half marathon. We probably saw each other. Hope things get better for you.

  9. Honestly, you haven’t missed much over here at ROATM. Just a bunch of bullet points and me rambling. 🙂

    Glad to hear you’re turning things around!

  10. I was there running (er walking) the half. When I was chilling at the finish line, I heard the the announcer calling out the finish of some marathon maniacs. Perhaps that was you…

  11. Scary to be back, eh???
    Jealous you got to meet Chia. We tried to meet up in Portland, but it didn’t happen.

    Ahhh, the big question, what to reveal… what to reveal…

  12. I am glad you are back, but am sorry to hear about your rough patch and bout with depression. I missed reading about all your running adventures (you inspired me to run a marathon)!

  13. I’m happy to see you’re starting to do better 🙂 We all go through phases like that so there is no need to feel bad!! Best of luck with the upcoming races!

  14. I am sorry you had a tough couple of months! But I am glad that you are back and so excited that you are on track for the world record!!! Can’t wait to read about all of your exciting new adventures this year.

  15. Forgiven.

    I’m a firm believer that you can’t appreciate the good times without a little bad to balance things out. If it was always awesome then we’d all be astronauts and movie stars.

    Glad you are back – and that the 50 states are within your grasp!!

    How is that other girl doing who is trying for it as well?

  16. Several times I thought about commenting on your blog wondering where you were. I figured that you had personal stuff going on (I had hoped that your life was too fabulous to write). I hope that the negative time is behind you.

    It would be great if you did a summary post of the races you have run recently to catch us up. Just a list with sentence or two on each race would be great. Then we can look forward to individual race reports.

    Welcome back!

  17. I’m so happy that you’re back in action!

    I’m still heading down to DC next weekend if you need ride/want to meet up for celebratory post-race food/drinks.

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