May 5, 2009

Day after the marathon

The title of this post may be a bit surprising to some readers, considering how I haven’t updated my upcoming races page in a while (now updated through July! Let me know if you’ll be at any of the races and want to meet up / share a car or a meal or housing). Surprise – yesterday, I ran the Lincoln Marathon! I’m halfway done with the race report, which you can expect maybe tomorrow, maybe Wednesday, depending on how hard I decide to go at Cinco de Mayo celebrations tomorrow night. However, I’ve been bad about blogging lately, so I wanted to try not to leave you hanging until then. The short version is this:

Despite ending up with a flight that was scheduled for takeoff at 12:59 PM (don’t forget, need to be there 30 minutes before) and a marathon that started at 7 AM, I managed to run fast enough to finish the marathon, get my stuff back from the hunky National Guardsman manning the bag check, snag a ride from X-Country2 to get back to my hotel and take a quick shower, and make it to the airport with time to spare! I’m telling you, there’s nothing like flight pressure to make you run faster.

In other news, I had a routine annual doctor’s visit today, and found that I am officially down 6 pounds from last year. Woo hoo! I also finally got my first round of the Gardisil vaccine, which is pretty awesome. Not for the disease-preventing aspect, but for the fact that it was put into my left bicep and has made my arm really sore and satisfying, kind of like a good workout. Would it kill me to get one in each arm so I could pretend I worked out instead of actually hitting the gym? Probably. I specifically asked the doctor if it was okay to work out after getting the shot, and at first she tried to be “nice” and offer that it might be a good excuse not to go to the gym. However, once I made it clear that I really wanted to hit the gym, she said it was totally fine.

This morning, my feet were a tad bit sore from yesterday’s race; however, as the day went on, my feet started feeling fine and my calf muscles got a bit sore. The best cure for that? Well, I happen to think it’s a good hard weight lifting workout at the gym! Not kidding – the rowing machine is awesome if you try to mainly use your arms, because your legs still get moving and get stretched out without actually doing much work. As for the rest of my workout, I did purely arms, but I took some pride in knowing that I ran a marathon yesterday and was going hard at the gym tonight 🙂


17 thoughts on “Day after the marathon”

  1. I did my first half-marathon yesterday morning and I am still SOOOO sore tonight. And I trained really hard for it, it’s weird because I’ve never stayed sore this long after any of my long runs before!

    That’s hilarious about your flight though! Good job on making it in time!

  2. I’m glad you made it home safe and sound!

    Sorry I wasn’t the greatest host (you got manic, pre-race jittery, babbly Niki AND pouty, sick, moody ,post-race Niki- boo on both), but it was FANTASTIC to meet you. :o)

  3. Good work! Very impressive that you’re not too sore. The rowing machine does sound like it would be PEEERFECT after a marathon. Stretch with a little bit of motion!

  4. Oh and I saw some Maniacs this weekend in Eugene at the Marathon when I was cheering on some friends and I felt proud I knew what their goal was and just how CRAZY they are! 🙂

  5. If you do decide to come to Utah for the 24th of July, please let me know. I would love to meet up! It’s a good marathon, but it can be hot at times. It takes place on our state holiday, Pioneer Day, so there are celebrations all around. Bring the boyfriend and enjoy the weekend here.

  6. hi! been away a while…hilarious about the country music marathon…I had originally planned on doing that one…I have signed up for another finally though…Marine Corps in DC in OCtober. Congrats on another one down!

  7. I love the row machine! It’s such a great workout and a great alternative to running when you’re trying to rest those legs.

  8. Congrats on completing Lincoln! I ran that for my Nebraska marathon too. And I totally agree about a flight after the race adding pressure to run faster. Great job!!

    (PS – found your blog via XCountry2)

  9. Hello!

    My name is Lisa Kelley, I’m the Digital PR Manager at Feed Company. I found your running blog through the Complete Running Blog Network. Since you are such a passionate runner, I thought you would be interested in the following videos. Please post on your blog and share with all of your friends! All of the information is below. Thanks!! (If you end up posting on your site — shoot me an email with the link!)

    – Lisa Kelley

    Carl and Karl Underwood love running.

    They love marathons, half-marathons, and half-half-marathons. They love 5Ks, 10ks, and think 401Ks sound pretty fun. They think cross-country, steeplechase, and the first 90% of pole vaulting aren’t too bad, either.

    The Underwood brothers are Running’s #1 Superfans and their mission is to share their love of running with the world.

    Check out Carl and Karl as they celebrate the many virtues of running with anyone who will listen:

    Check out other Carl and Karl Underwood videos here:

    Lisa Kelley – Digital PR Manager
    Feed Company
    (o) 323-469-3052

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