March 10, 2009

Getting out of bed for a run… and heading right back

I picked up some freelance work designing and ghostwriting an environmental blog, and I’ve also written some new posts over at Bodibeat blog. With those other blogs going on, I didn’t realize how long it had been since I’d posted here until I started getting several e-mails, IMs, and texts from all of you wondering if I was okay. Yes, I am 🙂 I have one more week of freedom until I start work on the 18th (though that may get pushed back). In true unemployed fashion, I’ve been productively catching up on my daytime TV and chick lit novels and just generally lounging around and not doing much. Running? Yeah, I haven’t gone on a long run since the Mardi Gras Marathon on Feb 2 (I should really write that race report, huh), and I’ve only done one short run of a few miles since then too. Look for a post on Bodibeat blog in the next few days about recovering from a running slump – I wrote last week and am waiting for it to go through the review process.

So since I wrote about getting out of a slump, it would probably be good if I took my own advice, right? You would think so, but even writing that didn’t inspire me. But finally, finally this morning I got motivated enough to go for a short run. The inspiration? My good old ego.

Boyfriend wants to get into running, and last week, I even took him to Jackrabbit Sports to get fitted for some running shoes. He picked up some Brooks Adrenalines (aww, we’re such a perfect couple that we even have the same overpronating feet and matching corrective sneakers!), and this morning, was determined to break them in… with an 8 mile run to his office. Yes, 8 miles from the guy who’s run 4 miles once and was sore for days, and usually doesn’t do more than a mile or two on the treadmill. I tried my best to convince him that it was not the most brilliant idea to go from basically 2 to 8 miles, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer, and said that he could always take walk breaks. I haven’t heard from him since he left, but we’re supposed to meet for lunch in a few hours – I’m hedging my bets by picking a restaurant close to his office.

When he left my apartment this morning, he had on a backpack with his work clothes in it (his gym is at the office and he planned to shower/change there), which I warned him might be a little uncomfortable to run with. I offered to bring it down to his office for him and leave it at the mailroom, but he said he’d be fine. However, he didn’t know how to get to the West Side Highway running path from my apartment (sounds silly, but there are only a few crossovers to the river path), so just as he was going to head out, I cried, “wait for me!” and threw on some sweats and my Garmin. Impromptu run, here I come.

I gave my keys to my concierge because I had only thrown on one sports bra instead of double bagging (when I wear two, I often just stuff my keys in between the two). Why don’t I always just hand my keys over when I go on a run? I have no idea – it’s so easy, and really, that’s what he’s there for. Anyway, Boyfriend and I headed out at a decent pace, but when we passed ABC Studios, there was some long line of tourists waiting for something. Boyfriend apparently decided he had to look strong and macho in front of them, so he zoomed ahead of me while I maintained my moderate pace. Turning the corner onto Riverside Drive, I found Boyfriend stopping to rest. Mind you, this was less than 5 minutes into the run. This did not bode well.

I suggested that maybe he should join me for the short three mile loop I was doing and then take the 72nd St subway down to work, but he wouldn’t be deterred from heading south to run the whle darn thing. I also offered to take his bouncing backpack for him, but he refused that too – Mr. Big and Tough was going to do it his way and no one else’s. With a shrug and a quick kiss, I turned north at the river to be the experienced marathoner runner that I am and do things the “right” way.

Well, Ms. MultiMarathoner got about 4 blocks up before deciding that was enough – I was heading back early. Taking the 72nd exit instead of 95th, my total distance was about 1.4 miles. Arriving home, both my doorman and concierge commented on what a short run it was, to which I airily replied that I wasn’t really running – I was just showing Boyfriend the way to go. After all, I would never get tired after just a mile of running. Nope, not me!

I think I’ll just go lie in bed for the rest of the day. I deserve it, after that exertion.


18 thoughts on “Getting out of bed for a run… and heading right back”

  1. LOVE Brooks Adrenaline! That’s too funny about your boyfriend…mine’s the same way, despite being a seasoned runner. If he’s taken some time off, he’ll jump right into an 8-miler…but if I did that, he’d tell me what a bad idea it is!

    Enjoy your rest today…you deserve it! 😉

  2. Hahahaha. That’s hilarious.

    Sounds just like my boyfriend. He hadn’t run, or done much of any physical activity for over two years when he decided to train for a half-marathon with me. He was in for a rude awakening, haha. He’s doing better now but he still can’t quite keep up with me. He likes to go fast then walk then go fast, I, on the other hand, like to keep a regular moderate pace!

  3. LOL love it 🙂

    my husband and I wear the same shoes too… except he prefers the 14s to the 15s and I am the opposite 🙂 he says I am copying him.

  4. I’m not surprised to hear you’re ghostwriting, because I really love the way you write your posts 🙂

    And if your boyfriend can go from 2 miles to 8…I’ll be totally jealous! I haven’t even hit the 4-mile point yet 🙁

  5. Now, as a previous BF, I have to stick up for my kind….. But yeah, that WAS pretty dumb of him 😉

    Hopefully he doesn’t complain too much about the chaffing from the backpack – I know I would!

  6. Hey Laura, Just checking if you submitted your Runner’s Lounge book project article? I’m sure you did, but just checking… 🙂

    I’m on the editing team and just making sure we have our greatest runner writers input.

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