January 14, 2009

Last post for a while

While I was lying in bed crying “I want my mommy,” I got my wish.

My dad called and my grandfather passed away this morning.

My mom’s passport is expired so she’s coming to New York to hopefully get an expedited version so we can fly to Warsaw for the funeral.

The question is whether I’ll be okay to fly? Right now I can barely make it to the bathroom, which is 10 feet away. The kitchen is about 20 feet and that’s just too far. So negotiating an airport and customs and all of that? I really hope I get better.

When it rains, it pours…


41 thoughts on “Last post for a while”

  1. Laura, Thanks for the info on the princess half. I decided not to do it, cause I got into another one (that will be much cheaper).

    Sorry to hear about your Grandfather. ((hugs)). Have a safe trip and hope you can make it through the airports.

  2. Sorry for your loss. I had an international flight right after a similar flu, and the airline arranged for me to ride one of those scooter things they drive old people around on. I felt so lame but I never would have made it otherwise- maybe that will help you- hope it all works out!

  3. I’m sending my thoughts, prayers and good wishes to you and your family. I’m sorry for your loss. I hope that you’ll be feeling good enough to fly.

  4. So sorry to hear about your grandfather, and that you’re sick on top of that. My grandmother passed away last week and although I could’t make it to the funeral, I’ve enjoyed remembering so many fun memories with her. Hopefully you have many great memories of your grandfather, too. They’re very comforting to have.

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