December 14, 2008

Update (Night before the marathon)

In the process of trying to get Boyfriend drunk enough not to sign up, I had some pina coladas myself. Neither of us got drunk, but it probably wasn’t the smartest thing to have the day before a race! Whatever – how many times do I get to race on a tropical island?

Though we didn’t succeed in getting him drunk, Boyfriend did not sign up for the race. He’s instead totally psyched to see me at the 5.5 mile aid station in front of our hotel, and then at the finish. For my part, I am totally psyched to have him finally get to see what I can do. I want to try to run faster tomorrow to show off, but the course is notoriously hot and hilly. Then again, my current PR was set at one of the hilliest marathons I’ve done so far – San Francisco – so who knows what will happen.

Plan for after the race is to immediately get as drunk on fruity tropical drinks as possible. Can’t wait!!


28 thoughts on “Update (Night before the marathon)”

  1. i love how in one post you are trying to convince boyfriend NOT to run the marathon..and the next you are trying to convince him TO run it!! haha…there must have been an exchange of drinks in there somewhere. Good luck girl!!!!!!

  2. I heard there will be a cold front coming over to Hawaii with a 80% chance of flurries over Honolulu. I feel better knowing that it will be cold. Wait a second.. I didn’t hear this correctly. This is the weather forecast for Canada, not Hawaii.


    P.S. I have to type the word verification below and guess what the word is….. sperm . WTF ?

  3. You’re probably well in to the race as I’m typing this, but good luck! And good on you for keeping Boyfriend from running the race. I think that would have totally messes up the rest of your romantic weekend (whining boys can be SOOOO irritating!!!) But as Christine says, I’m sure you’ll be talking him into running one with you soon (just convince him training is a GOOD thing!)

  4. You crack me up! Getting him drunk to keep him from signing up. VERY smart. Glad to see he didn’t do it. That would have been tough on him having never really run that far. Anyhoo – Good Luck chica! I know you will do well, and you know that you will go faster just to show off. You’ve also got that speed in you anyway.

    Have a blast!

  5. OK, creepy, I know, but I needed to see how she did, so I worked my way through the results until I found a Laura from New York… 🙂

    Time (4:48:39)(if that’s you) looks good to me with all the travel and drinking. Hope you’re happy with it!!

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