December 10, 2008

Unhappy birthday

It’s my blog’s birthday. One year ago today, I went to and hit “create blog.” 381 posts later, “Create a post” on Blogger is prominently listed in my favorites on iGoogle, and I have over 173 favorite blogs in Google Reader that I (try to) read daily. Blogging and running have become such a huge part of my life in the last year… but I’ll save most of that reflection for some December 31st posts. I don’t really feel like posting much more today, because today pretty much sucks.

Boyfriend’s company is laying off another 10% this morning. Last time they finished all the cuts by noon, and he texted me to say he was okay. But I haven’t heard from him yet, and I’m really worried he’s going to be in that 10%.

In other awesome news, my company is going to be cutting 10% in early January (apparently 10% is the arbitrary number every company picks). I’m working my butt off (on Sunday, I worked 1 PM to 3 AM) to make sure I’m not in that 10%, but it doesn’t really matter – it’s a lot of politics, luck, and factors out of my control.

These are rough times.


31 thoughts on “Unhappy birthday”

  1. Just keep on thinking about the positive things in your life. At least you have your family, friends and health! But I’ll keep my fingers crossed!

  2. Good luck i hope both you and your boyfriend are not part of the dreaded 10%!!!

    Keep your chin up girlie!!

    Oh and congrats on 1 year of blogging!!! I am almost there too!!!

  3. Uuuggh, sorry to hear about the cuts happening, I hope you and your boyfriend are in the clear. Having that anxiety and uncertainty sucks….I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!

  4. Wait you’re running Honolulu? How did I miss this? I am running too—will get my maniac status. I’m also running in an elf suit. When do you get here? You coming with anyone? Email me frayedlaces at gmail with your info and we can meet up!

  5. Happy blogoversary!

    Soooooo sorry to hear about the layoffs going on. I seem to be hearing that it’s going on everyone. Still doesn’t make it any easier when it affects you so close to home. Keep us posted, Laura.

  6. Don’t let all of that undermine your blogging birthday. That many posts and such a life change is a huge accomplishment!

    (But, I’m still sorry about the layoffs. sadface.)

  7. I hope it all works out for you both. My company’s chosen the magic 10% too – cutting all overhead costs by 10% in the next year, creating a pretty depressing work environment.

    Hope to read another year of great posts!

  8. Happy Blogger Birthday! My company has already started layoffs. Luckily I’m in the clear BUT the mood around work is terrible. Many doors have been slammed, lots of whispering in the hallways…it’s NOT good. The layoffs aren’t even over yet…can you believe it…2 weeks before Xmas!

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