October 5, 2008

Damn Cookies

I ate two chocolate chip cookies last night. Yes, I know that was stupid. Yes, it did cause an unplanned ten minute emergency bathroom stop at mile 16 (which would have been only five minutes if there hadn’t been a freaking spectator in there holding up the line). No, it didn’t stop me from glomming down more cookies at the finish line.

I still finished in 4:22:23… not bad for the weekend after Akron! And not much knee pain either 🙂

Thank you to someone who cheered “go Laura” around mile 18. I was a bit delirious and couldn’t really get a good luck at who it was, but I’m assuming it was one of you because my name wasn’t on my bib.

Gotta go get ready for the drive to Seattle and then my red eye back to the East Coast…


22 thoughts on “Damn Cookies”

  1. That’s right – it was me! Crazy stalker 🙂 So sad I didn’t meet you in real life but I’m AMAZED I recognized you running by 🙂 Good work!!

  2. OK, beef: Those final hills after the bridge were SO NOT ON THE ELEVATION PROFILE. I had no idea… I was told that after St Johns it was downhill. I thought that was a little “not” downhill but hey, that’s just me ;-).

    I can’t believe we saw eachother on the course! My phone so shorted out from all the sweat and the rain – sorry we couldn’t meet up. But I was a full hour behind you :-(!

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