July 26, 2008

Tagged: Six Word Memoirs

TK’s suggestion has now become the topic of a Take It And Run Thursday post, so I’ve decided to recycle. One update to add: I totally avenged my DNF in San Francisco and got a new PR in the marathon!

TK tagged me for a post, and for once, I’ve learned my lesson about not waiting to respond. I’m posting now instead of procrastinating! Check out her original post, which has a really interesting description and video, but the gist of it is to create six word memoirs of some of your races. Here are mine:

First race (Picnic Island Adventure Run 5K): No idea I’d only just begun.

First marathon (Vermont City Marathon): I did it for ice cream.

Last race (Dippikill Froggy Five Miler): Walked up, ran down, kept going!

Best race (Calgary Marathon): Abroad and alone, I rocked it!

Next race (San Francisco Marathon): Hoping to avenge my 12K DNF.

What are your six word memoirs? Post on your own blog or in the comments!

This post is a part of Runners’ Lounge’s Take It And Run Thursday, in which runners from all across the running blogging community come together to post about a single topic. This week’s theme was Six Word Running Memoir.


5 thoughts on “Tagged: Six Word Memoirs”

  1. And now that I’ve actually read your blog–because I always do things out of order–I just wanted to point out the VT city was my first marathon, too. Fun race…if a marathon can ever be described as fun!

  2. oh and it’s SLAP.

    like the word.

    like the action.

    like what I need to do UPSIDE my own head for fo’getting my six word mem-wahhhh.


  3. Umm…

    First race (City to Surf – Sydney): Race Virgin. HOLY S–T.

    First marathon : Oh god, I don’t know about this…

    Last race (School X-country, 5th Grade): Ran with my leggy best friend who felt sorry for me.

    Best race (School X-country, 5th Grade): Came =15th! Thanks to afore-mentioned sympathetic grade 5 best friend.

    Next race (City to Surf – Sydney): Do Not Rescusitate.

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