July 2, 2008

Calgary, here I come!

Flights are booked. Race registration is complete. I’m doing the Calgary Marathon on Sunday! The race starts at 7 AM and my flight is at 1:50 PM, which creates extra incentive for me to run a PR so I don’t miss my flight 🙂

A quick quiz courtesy of Marathon Maniacs:

Do your thoughts switch to the next scheduled race immediately after finishing a marathon?
Five minutes after finishing Seafair, I could be heard on the phone with my mom saying “Calgary is next weekend, and I heard it’s flat and fast…”

Are you signed up for more than one race right now?
Calgary this weekend, Boilermaker (not a marathon) the next weekend, and then Disney Marathon in January. There will be more races in between, but those are what I’m currently signed up for.

Do you know specifics about many of the marathons? Dates, courses, years run, etc.?
At the Seafair pasta dinner, I impressed several of the 50 Staters by being able to participate in discussions about various courses and terrain in different states. I even had dates for some upcoming marathons memorized 🙂

Do you know the story of how the marathon got started? Also why the course is 26.2 miles?
Yes and yes. Elementary 🙂

Do you read books on marathons like Marathon and Beyond?
Haven’t read that one, but last summer I read a ton of marathon books (interestingly, my longest race then was a 10 miler). I particularly love Dean Karnazes’ biography, Joan Benoit Samuelson’s Running for Women, and The Non-Runner’s Marathon Trainer.

Is marathonguide.com bookmarked on your computer? Do you look at the race schedule more than once a week?
Daily. Usually multiple times a day when I figure out new creative travel plans.

Do you start to feel down when you haven’t run a marathon in a while?
If by a while you mean a few days, then yes 🙂

Are your closets and dressers filled with marathon t-shirts?
I have a drawer of race t-shirts, though only two are full marathons.

Do you have so many marathon medals that you’ve run out of room on the hook they hang from?
Mine are actually on a shelf. Not laid out nicely, as you might think, but just kind of in a pile along with bibs and whatnot. I really need to come up with a better organizational system…

When asked about your racing from non-running people, do you find yourself talking with great passion to the point that the person that asked the question regrets ever asking?
Just ask my coworkers.

Have you run marathons on back to back weekends? Or better yet back to back days?
Two halves in a weekend is my record so far. After Calgary, it will be back to back weekends.

Have you run a marathon as a training run? Or just to pace a friend?
Not an official marathon, but I ran 27.5 miles as a training run.

When asked by loved ones what your plans are for the weekend, you feel guilty telling them your running another marathon so you tell them “it’s only a half this weekend”?
ALL THE TIME. I have a date on Thursday, and the guy already knew I ran Seafair last weekend, so when he asked about my plans for this weekend, I didn’t want to say I was running another one! Instead, I told him how excited I was to “see the sights of Calgary” and “explore a new city.” If he makes it past Thursday’s date, maybe I’ll tell him about the marathon.

Do you plan all your vacations around a marathon race?
Why would I bother traveling somewhere if there wasn’t a race at the other end? Just one mention of a destination and I’m scouring Marathon Guide and Runners’ World so that I can plan the dates to coincide with a race.

Yes, I think I will fit in well with the Marathon Maniacs. Now I just have to get through Calgary to qualify under the back to back rule. Almost as good as a BQ!


21 thoughts on “Calgary, here I come!”

  1. If Calgary’s anything like Ottawa, then you are going to have a blast! Have a great time (and a great finishing time too!). I can’t wait to read the race report!!!

  2. Holy smokes !!! You are heading for Calgary. WTG !!! Usually after I finish my marathon, I have made a vow not to run in another marathon but then in a few more days later, I always change my mind. I am quite envious of you. Take a lot of pixs in Calgary!

  3. Wow! I couldn’t do that – it usually takes me until Weds to not hurt and the following weekend to even considering running again! Best of luck!

  4. WOW – good luck!!! you are insane 🙂 just think barely over a month ago you had never ran a marathon and now are already onto your 3rd! not many people can say that! you will do awesome, have a great weekend!!!

  5. You are awesome. You and Hubs think alike. Any thoughts on mutiple weekend marathons? Have fun, and I can’t wait to read about Calgary.

  6. Damn, girl . . . you are positively nuts, and I totally wish I had your joints! Ha, mine could never withstand two marathons in a row! Best of luck this weekend!!

  7. hey girl! want to do a half marathon with me on Nov 16? Its a brand new series starting where it is ONLY a half….there is no full marathon going. Its in Fort Lauderdale…and its an inaugral (sp?) race! Have you ever done one of those before? Might be something to cross off your list! Let me know…we can share a hotel or something…eat ice cream..ya know..do bloggy things! hahahaha

  8. YOu are so crazy, but it’s awesome!

    You could also have a little cold thing going on from all the mileage you’re putting in. Anytime I start to run over 15 miles, I get sick and break out. It’s awesome.

  9. Marathon Maniac…no doubt! I can’t believe you’re actually going to go through with this. If you weren’t so nuts, I’d say it’s inspiring…Will definitely think of you when I’m on my 20-mile long run this sunday.

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