June 27, 2008

Last free marathon trip for a while… or is it?

I got word on Wednesday that I’ll probably be finishing up on the Boston project around July 14. Bye-bye alternate travel benefits was my first thought. While travel is usually a way of life for consultants, I’m based in the New York office, and there are so many projects in the New York/New Jersey area that it’s more frequent for NYC practitioners to “stay local.” Unfortunately, “local” doesn’t always mean an easy commute. In October, I was on a “local” project where I worked 8 AM to 11 PM… and then had a 1.5 hour commute each way to get to and from the client. It was awful and I was miserable. I’m really hoping that doesn’t happen.

However, today has been a good day. I’m currently at the San Francisco airport en route to Seattle, and my flight from SFO to SEA was full, so I volunteered to take the next flight, which was only an hour later. I am now the proud owner of a voucher for a free roundtrip ticket anywhere in the country. What that means to me is that even if I can’t get myself staffed on another travel project, I have a free trip to another marathon 🙂

Tonight’s plan = sushi with a friend-of-a-friend in Seattle. Not sashimi, as I usually choose, but sushi, with lots of rice. It’s a nice change from the usual pasta-and-meatballs and carb-loading, and I’m getting that tomorrow night at the pre-race pasta dinner anyway.


8 thoughts on “Last free marathon trip for a while… or is it?”

  1. Good luck Sunday! I’d offer to do an RBF meetup, but I suspect I’m contagious, so…

    Enjoy riding the SLUT, and do some obnoxiously tourity things while you are in town.

    Joeys on Lake Union is good eats if you are in that part of town at all.

  2. Too many choices! You all are a persuasive bunch. I’m hoping to get on a travel project after this, and am waiting to make my plans accordingly.

    Aaron – I totally missed the SLUT. It was the one thing on my list I didn’t get to do, and I’m sorely disappointed. I did go up the Space Needle though, which was pretty touristy 🙂

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