May 25, 2008

I am a marathoner!!!

The important parts:

  • Finished around 4:24 (didn’t quite kick Oprah’s ass, but I did beat her)
  • Did not walk once, not even through the water stops
  • Sprinted up the toughest part of the course (13% grade for 1/4 mile) and had a ton of people cheering for how awesome I was compared to everyone else
  • Sprinted the last 0.2 and had a ton of people cheering for how awesome I was compared to everyone else
  • Swore ten seconds after finishing that I was never running a step ever again, then ten minutes later started trying to plan what marathon to do next
  • Only had three cups of Ben & Jerry’s at the finish (cherry garcia, cookie dough, cherry garcia) because they would only give me one at a time. Even though I pointed out my shirt and also tried to use my silver Zorro cape to scare them into giving me more.

Off to lunch at Friendly’s (ice cream!), factory tour at Ben & Jerry’s (more ice cream!), and dinner at some local homemade ice cream place Flamingo Cafe (even more ice cream!)


31 thoughts on “I am a marathoner!!!”

  1. fantastic, well done, you ARE a real marathoner. you have mentioned everything any marathoner experiences especially the “never again” followed promply by plans for next time. And the appetite afterwards for endless drinks and icecream. The only thing you didn’t mention (yet) is the inability to walk down steps two days later.

  2. I have had 6 scoops of ice cream so far. More still to come!

    My official time is actually 4:25:57. Still under Oprah!

    Geoff – what do you mean two days later? I am an invalid NOW! 🙂

  3. Inredible, Laura! Congratulations on a fantastic run, with an Oprah-beating finish and many scoops of ice cream. Way to do it in style.

    Also, congrats on putting together a blog entry on the afternoon of race day. (I don’t think I’ll get it together until tomorrow … but my race went well, also).

  4. CONGRATS GIRL!!!!!!! YOU totally rocked that race out. I’m super impressed and tha tmeans i have lots of training to do to beat yo ass in Disney! 🙂

  5. Congratulations, good work! You earned your ice cream!! I saw your entry about running songs a few days ago, and though it’s too late now, here’s a few ideas for your next race–
    My power quad (used to be trio until I added a song), which comes on about an hour in (in a half marathon) and sometimes I just replay over and over:
    One Last Run (Nickelback)
    Don’t Stop Running (Y & T)
    Don’t Stop Me Now (Queen)
    I Run for Life (Melissa Etheridge)
    And these two songs are surprisingly energizing–
    Waterloo (ABBA)
    Main Theme from Superman (actually beats Chariots of Fire)
    Good luck on the next race!

  6. That’s an amazing time, Laura. Congratulations. You should be so proud of yourself. For what it’s worth, give yourself some time to rest. You don’t want to burn out

  7. YAHOO!! Congrats to you. So very inspiring. SO inspiring that you’ve almost got me thinking about thinking of committing to do one… almost.


  8. Congrats! I only hope I do as well in my first marathon in November!

    So when’s your next one?

    And are you going to demand your boss put his money where his mouth is?

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