May 28, 2008

Honey, I’m home!

The maid was still doing turndown in my room when I got back to my hotel a few minutes ago. Is it pathetic that I was excited to have someone to come “home” to?


8 thoughts on “Honey, I’m home!”

  1. Not in the least. When I was traveling 5 days a week, the toughest time was when I got into my home airport and saw all the families/girlfriends/wives waiting for people to get off the plane. Brutal!

  2. I hear you. In my prior life, when I was a sports writer and traveled a lot, it was tough having to start and stop my life ever other week. I talked more on the phone to my American Airlines reservationist than a girlfriend. But the travel is something I’ll never forget.

  3. Oh god girl I hear ya. Traveling is brutal and whatever gives you a sense of home works. No matter how much you love it right now it will wear on you!

  4. You B!!! LMAO! Yes, I already signed up for it a couple weeks ago. Damn you! I HAVE actually heard of Riley’s Run. Wasn’t it named after a dog or something? I do remember looking at it last year though . . .

  5. Wow, Laura! Have you ever been busy doing exciting things this year! I read through many of your posts. I think setting a goal of running in every state by the time you are 30 is a terrific one. I’m envious that you met Ben Stein. He impresses me. I also think your reports and photos from SF are great. I used to get there regularly. My first trip to Haight-Asbury, North Beach, etc., was in the 1960s. Nothing seems to change. It was an eye-opener for me then – a naive, young Minnesota girl. Not much phases me now.
    Regarding travel – Flying isn’t fun anymore. I remember flying from Bangkok to Hawaii once when there were only 6 or 8 passengers on the plane. That would never happen now days on a commercial flight. My first flight to Europe I got to watch the sun rise from the pilot’s cabin. It was an incredible sight with the darkness fading off on either side and behind us. I loved traveling around the world, a lot of it in Air Force aircraft, and have great memories from that time. Enjoy it while you are young and have the energy – you’ll never regret it. Cheers! Constance

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