April 9, 2008

Taking a break

All right, I took everyone’s advice and did not work out. I’m not too happy about that, but you all expressed such concern that I feel like I have no choice but to do what you say. Thanks for being like my mom 🙂 Speaking of my mom, I hadn’t spoken to her much since Sunday, because I didn’t want to stress her out. Unfortunately, my brother called her to see how I was doing in the hospital, so that cat got out of the bag. She took the news pretty well and was relatively calm… I was impressed! However, a few hours later, she asked about the address of my hotel in Boston and where she should park. I finally convinced her to stay home, but told her that if she really wanted to she could come visit me in NYC this weekend. Now I need to get my skin to be less red by then so she doesn’t freak out when she sees me…

Last night I woke up twice because my skin was burning. It seems like I need to reapply the aloe about every 4 hours or so, which is kind of tough at work. I’m wearing the same suit I wore yesterday (but with a dif shirt) because it’s the softest and loosest one I have with me. I can’t wait to get home and have more options! No blistering or peeling of my skin yet… I am dreading that. Maybe if I keep it moisturized enough it will just turn to tan instead of peeling? Wishful thinking.

I am being very careful about what I’m eating while taking a break from exercising, so hopefully there won’t be too much weight gain. Tonight is a big team dinner at my absolute favorite restaurant in Boston, though… so we’ll see. It’s called Mantra, if you’re ever in the area. It’s French-Indian fusion, but basically they mean food cooked in the French style but with Indian spices. It is amazing.

So while I’m taking a break from actual running, I’m spending my time planning my running. And the big news is… I finally got over my commitophobia and actually signed up for a race! On January 12, 2009, I will be running in the Disney Marathon. I’ve registered, booked my hotel… the only thing I didn’t do is flights because I have no idea where I’ll be in January, and I might be able to alt-travel it (meaning the company pays for it, like how I did Charleston this weekend). Christine is doing the race as well, which was extra incentive, and I want to give a big shout-out to her for encouraging me to sign up! Commitophobia = conquered.

Now that I’ve registered for a marathon, I felt so great… I wanted to sign up for one that will be sooner (January is a very long way away). I’m considering Chicago, but hotels are expensive, so I’m trying to see if I can find any friends in the Chicago area. I have a friend at work who’s doing it, so I’ll talk to her tonight and see what her hotel plans are.

Another race I’m considering is the Akron Marathon, which RunnersWorld named one of their top marathons you should do in 2008. It sounds really awesome, and I like all the cool features (click here to read). MarathonGuide also has a lot of rave reviews, with several people saying this race will spoil you forever because it’s the best marathon and they can’t name a better one. This sounds so cool, and hotels in Akron are much cheaper than the ridiculously overpriced ones in Chicago. Has anyone done this race? Does anyone want to do it with me?

Finally, of course I am going to sign up for the NYC lottery. Haven’t done it yet, but at least this one is procrastination rather than commitophobia. Kind of like how I still haven’t done my taxes.

So that’s what I’ve been up to since I’m not running 🙂


13 thoughts on “Taking a break”

  1. Wow, talk about me being out of it… I’ve read your Akron race reports! 🙂 I’m definitely strongly considering this one. However, I’m getting hit with another wave of commitophobia, where I’m trying to figure out if I can get any friends to come down with me. There’s a good chance that if I do it, it will be my first marathon ever.

  2. The thought of running marathons makes me nauseous. Or maybe it’s the PMS. I can’t tell today.

    Anyway, I say good luck no matter what you decide. I’m in awe of people who run for sport!

  3. Huh…who would have guessed that Akron, Ohio, would be on a top of anything list. That is a good tip, though, since my parents live in the Cleveland area and the race would be easily accessible for me. I will file that away as a potential future race. My fall is already taken up with the Detroit Marathon, however, or I’d totally be, like, “OMG we can do it together and stay at my parents’ house for FREE!”

    Maybe next year. 🙂

  4. Yikes–just caught up on your blog. I’ve had sun poisoning before and it is pure torture. Good luck healing; the swelling in your legs (and subsequent cankles) should go away soon.

  5. I would totally do Akron. The only problem I have is training…since the summers in Georgia are HORRID! It would be almost impossible to do 20 mile runs in that heat. Let me think about it though…Its one that I’ve been wanting to do BAD!! Also which hotel are u staying at for Disney? Maybe we could stay in the same hotel…ahhhhhh so excited!

  6. Christine, I booked the Sheraton Safari Hotel & Suites Lake Buena Vista, and I’d be up for sharing if you need a place… I booked a room with two queen beds. I think it’s right on the Disney property, which is pretty awesome!

    Viper – I am considering Akron more and more strongly, and I expect that if I do it, you will tell me the best places to booze after the race! 🙂

    Frayed – cankles are in full force right now. Grr. It helps if I elevate my legs, but it’s hard to do that all the time. My legs are just so TIGHT from the swelling – it feels like they’re about to pop any second, and if I touch them they just feel completely solid. It’s such an odd sensation. I really hope you’re right about this going away soon!

  7. Are you serious? Free shoes? I read that in the review on RW.com – holy crap, that’s a pretty cool perk! If you want hills, you should do the Kansas City Marathon. Hotels are cheap, and for the right price, my kids would cheer you on, too. That’ll be my first marathon (October).

    Are you serious? part deux…
    You should NOT work out until at least you feel like the skin on your legs won’t tear apart. I’ve never had sunburn poisoning, but if it were me, I’d go a few days of not exercising so that my body could take care of a bigger priority like healing from that. I think we both know that’s what your mother would tell you, too 🙂

  8. I haven not done bay to breakers. But it sounds fun. You made some great choices though with your races.

    And the sunburn? HOly shiznit! I hope you feel better soon. Be careful when you run/sweat. I had a bad burn once and then the sweat caused all these water blisters to form. Really gross.

  9. I can point you in any direction you like, from dive to deluxe. In fact, there are a couple places within walking distance (even considering the marathon) of the finish. Of course, you may have to stop traffic to make it across the street.

  10. hey! feel better soon! glad you took care of the sunburn before the situation got worse. and you’ve got some great running goals to shoot for once you’re back on your feet!

    geez, i don’t stop by the blog for a couple days and look what happens…

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