April 5, 2008

Quickie Race Report: Cooper River Bridge Run

Short version: the incline on the bridge was fine for me, but a big deal to everyone else. The temperature was fine for everyone else, but very hot and a big deal for me. Now I remember why I live in the north! In all seriousness though, Charleston is absolutely gorgeous, and I might actually like to live here.

I crossed the finish line at 52:11, but I’m not sure how many seconds back I started. Definitely not many. I have to wait for the official results to see if I beat my PR of 52:04 – it will be very, very close. However, that was achieved on a completely flat course, so I’m really proud about the fact that I did about the same on a course with a crazy incline (4% uphill for 1.6 miles). And in the Southern spring heat instead of November in upstate NY!

Full race report to come when I finish exploring and get back to (cold but nice to run in) Boston. One cool tidbit I’ll share now: I was in the “competitive” start group based on my projected finish time, so I started right behind (like, 20 feet behind) all the Kenyans. Awesome!


6 thoughts on “Quickie Race Report: Cooper River Bridge Run”

  1. That’s awesome, Laura! Go to http://www.charleston.net/ for results. They are there for now and some great pics of the race.

    Glad you’re liking Chucktown. I love it down here a lot! I used to live in Charleston (while in the Military) but moved back home (only 3hr from Chas) and always considering coming back. Anyway, it’s a beautiful place.

    You rock with being that close to the start and very lucky indeed. There were WALKERS who walked the whole thing that signed up in the under hr, and running category over hr. It was VERY frustrating dodging everyone single one of them for me to try to run. You are fast! My hubby came in around 45ish and said he had issues with the walkers.

    Anyway, I thought the bridge was fine. We both commented on how it was almost over when you realize you’re going uphill. Wasn’t bad for me at all. I enjoyed it.

    Hope you have a safe and nice trip back home!

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