
Welcome to my blog! I’m so glad you stopped by 🙂

I started blogging in 2007 and my biggest goal is to engage readers… like you! I love virtually “meeting” people from all over the world. I would really appreciate it if you would leave a comment when a post resonates with you, or if you completely disagree with it. It’s so satisfying to know that people are reading what I write and I love starting a good discussion! To learn more about me and my story, check out my about page.

I usually write about fitness/running, goal setting, productivity, and travel. You can view some of my most popular posts here.

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Hope you enjoy reading my blog, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback!

2 thoughts on “Welcome!”

    1. Hi Elaine! The right shoes will be those that best fit your feet – I’d definitely recommend getting (free) gait analysis done at a local running store to identify the ideal pair. Also, have you seen my post on tips to run a marathon in the rain? I’d definitely recommend the Aquaphor and plastic bag tips from there to make your shoes comfy in the rain!

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