
April 12, 2012

Grateful and Proud

Grateful, grateful, truly grateful I amGrateful, grateful, truly blessed and duly grateful. (Okay, if you’re not a total musical theater geek and don’t know John Bucchino, those lyrics will mean nothing to you, but trust me, it is an incredibly sweet and moving song – take a listen.) Today I read a post that made me really sad – though I don’t think that was what Lauren intended when she wrote it. Please, go read. After reading Lauren’s post, I realize just how lucky I am that my family and friends have been supportive of my marathons. There were many …

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March 25, 2012

Healthy Meal: Homemade Veggie Ramen Noodle Soup

This morning, our Athleta running group was teed up for our first double digit run: 10 miles! The More Half Marathon is just 3 weeks away, and everyone is doing an awesome job with the training plan. Only two long runs left! Last night I went to Katie’s housewarming party and had a great time, but still made it to bed 11:30pm. 8.5 hours of sleep = bliss! Laura stayed at my apartment so that she’d be closer to the start of the run, and it was fun to have a mini-slumber party (chocolate chip cookies before we went to …

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March 12, 2012

Lumps and all, the body of an athlete

Lately, I have not been too happy with my body. Namely, I’ve been unhappy with the way my tummy has grown round, creating a muffin top of beer and nachos and margaritas when I wear my favorite jeans. While I still believe in eating all these things in moderation, I need to get better about making sure that “moderation” does not mean “every single night.” It has become less common for me to eat a healthy meal than it is for me to eat an indulgent one, and that is creating a bit of a problem. But this weekend, I …

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March 5, 2012

A mile is a mile

Yesterday was my weekly Athleta long run – and we’re already up to 7 miles! Time flies when you’re with a good group like this one; it’s hard to believe that we are already more than halfway done with the training plan. Every week is a new challenge in terms of being a longer run than the week before, but I’m glad that everyone seems to feel comfortable with the 1 mile increments for increases. It helps so much to be able to tell everyone that we’re doing juts one more mile than the week before! Of course, to keep …

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February 28, 2012

Speedwork: The lazy man’s guide to getting faster while making it feel easy (and staying injury-free)

I slept like a log Saturday night, but woke up long before my alarm – at 7:30am. I really am a morning person! But despite getting only 7 hours of sleep, I felt pretty well-rested, and was definitely up for good. I hit the bathroom and the kitchen as part of my usual morning routine, and it wasn’t until I was back in bed curled up with my TV remote that I realized something – my foot hadn’t hurt to do that! Huh – apparently the five beers I had the previous night had cured it? I was going to …

Speedwork: The lazy man’s guide to getting faster while making it feel easy (and staying injury-free) Read More »

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