Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

What It Looks Like Inside an Amazon Warehouse Now. (New York Times)
More than 2,100 store closings are announced in a single week, delivering a crushing blow to malls — and the pain is only going to get worse. (Business Insider)
Why brands like Oreo are cutting back on wacky flavors right now. (CNN)
How the pandemic could fundamentally alter store layouts. (Grocery Dive)
How the Virus May Change Your Next Home. (New York Times)
The Secret, Absurd World of Coronavirus Mask Traders and Middlemen Trying To Get Rich Off Government Money. (ProPublica)
Masks Prove to Be a Puzzling New Retail Category. (Morning Brew)
This Is A Very Strange Time To Be A Black-Owned Business’. (Huffington Post)
U.S. Businesses Must Take Meaningful Action Against Racism. (Harvard Business Journal)
Toward a Racially Just Workplace. (Harvard Business Journal)
The Stresses of the Way We Work Now. (New York Times)
Calling It a Day: Five Ways to Leave Work on Time and Still Be Productive. (Laura Stack)
Six Strategies for Dealing With WFH Burnout. (The Simple Dollar)
4 easy ways to grow in your current job while working from home. (Fast Company)
How to have meaningful conversations on video calls, according to a professional ‘conversation designer’. (Well & Good NYC)
Staring at your face on Zoom is a particular kind of psychological torture—here’s why. (Well & Good NYC)
How to Find Your Most Productive Time of Day. (Lifehacker)
A therapist’s top 5 tips to cope with out-of-nowhere emotional meltdowns. (Well & Good NYC)
How the Protests Have Changed the Pandemic. (New Yorker)
COVID-19 Can Last for Several Months. (The Atlantic)
Talking Can Generate Coronavirus Droplets That Linger Up to 14 Minutes. (New York Times)
Strengthening your forearms is the key to finally mastering pull-ups, push-ups, and planks—here’s how to do it. (Well & Good NYC)
9 rest day workout ideas that take your recovery up a notch. (Well & Good NYC)
A Half-Tablespoon of Olive Oil a Day May Promote Heart Health. (New York Times)
Lufthansa CEO Reassures German Flyers Airline Would Bring Them Home If Stranded. (Skift)
Big U.S. Airlines Back Proposal to Check Temperatures of Passengers. (Skift)
What You Can Do to Minimize Your Virus Risk When Flying. (Travel Insider)
Air Travel Is Going to Be Very Bad, for a Very Long Time. (The Atlantic)
COVID-19 Outlook for air travel in the next 5 years. (IATA)
Americans Will Be More Inclined to Take the Wheel Than Take to the Skies Post-COVID-19. (Hotel News Now)
Traveling Across Europe Is Extra Complex During a Pandemic. (Skift)
8 Questions for Iceland on Its Bold Plan to Reopen by June 15. (Skift)
The U.S. Might Not Welcome Foreign Visitors for Months. (Skift)
Travel Shutdown Devastates Emerging Economies Dependent on Tourism. (Skift)
Do Travel Influencers Have a Future Now?. (Skift)
Leading Through Crisis. (Hotel News Now)
‘Did I Miss Anything?’: A Man Emerges From a 75-Day Silent Retreat. (New York Times)
What it’s like for 2020 graduates—no ceremony, no celebration, no closure, and an uncertain future. (Skift)
How to Spot a Conspiracy Theory. (Lifehacker)
The 5 dirtiest things in your kitchen—and how to clean each of them properly. (Well & Good NYC)
Finally, for a laugh: Here’s How Time Works Now. (McSweeneys)
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France has millions of unsold masks, to go along with the ProPublica article on the Secret world of Coronavirus Mask Traders.
That is really interesting – thank you for sharing! (And I kind of want the design President Macron is wearing, which looks really chic.)