Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂
The Revenge of the Parking Lot. (Morning Brew)
Theranos Would Be Thriving in the Covid-19 Pandemic. (Medium)
COVID-19 and the Great Rehiring. (Andreessen Horowitz)
Returns Will Become a Problem for Retailers as Stores Re-Open. (Morning Brew)
Meet Rocco. He Owns a Dairy Queen. The Government’s Flawed Coronavirus Plan Might Not Save It.. (Slate)
The Day the Live Concert Returns. (The Atlantic)
Lowe’s, Home Depot App Downloads Reach Record Highs in April. (Morning Brew)
H&M, Footlocker, Whole Foods Test New Store Safety Tech. (Morning Brew)
FedEx Limits Shipping for Kohl’s, Nordstrom, and More as E-Comm Grows. (Morning Brew)
What To Expect from the Economy During Reopening. (The Simple Dollar)
They Were Meant to Be the Season’s Big Books. Then the Virus Struck.. (New York Times)
For Bookstore Owners, Reopening Holds Promise and Peril. (New York Times)
4 Phases Of Women’s Careers–Coping With The Crisis And The 30s. (Forbes)
Five Women Who Courageously Changed Careers. (Shondaland)
How to Combat Zoom Fatigue. (Harvard Business Journal)
How to Look Smart in Video Conference Calls. (The Cooper Review)
The Psychology Of Wearing Makeup When No One Can See You. (Refinery29)
3 Tips to Avoid WFH Burnout. (Harvard Business Journal)
Here’s what happens if you work from home without a routine. (Zapier)
To Change Your Habits, First Change Your Routine. (Lifehacker)
How to Cultivate Resilience During the Pandemic. (Lifehacker)
Why Am I Having Weird Dreams Lately?. (New York Times)
6 surprising causes of stress at home—and how to fix each so you can really relax. (Well & Good NYC)
How to Manage Panic Attacks. (New York Times)
Is social isolation getting to you? Here’s how to know — and what experts say to do.. (Washington Post)
The 4 Pillars of Meaning That Will Help Us Emerge From the Pandemic Better Than Before. (Maria Shriver)
Can we escape from information overload?. (1843 Magazine) This was fascinating (though I wouldn’t want to try it).
Task Inflation and Inbox Capture: On Unexpected Side Effects of Enforced Telework. (Cal Newport)
Yale’s happiness expert says ‘fresh-start energy’ can help you create new meaningful traditions. (Well & Good NYC)
Why You Don’t Have to Be a Rocket Scientist to Think Like One. (Nir and Far)
Correlation Doesn’t Mean Causation. (Friday Forward)
Beyond the Inbox: Rules for Reducing Email. (Cal Newport)
What Is ‘Decision Fatigue’ and How Does It Affect You?. (Lifehacker)
Beyond To-Do Lists. (Cal Newport)
How ‘Fast Carbs’ May Undermine Your Health. (New York Times)
Classical Music to Beat the Coronavirus. (Travel Insider)
When Older Relatives Shrug at Coronavirus Restrictions. (New York Times)
How Poor Diet Contributes to Coronavirus Risk. (New York Times)
Living Longer, and Better. (New York Times)
For Runners, Is 15 Feet the New 6 Feet for Social Distancing?. (New York Times)
What Travel Companies Will Need to Know About Consumer Mindset Post-Crisis. (Skift)
Remembering Hope Is Not a Strategy: Who United Airlines Needs Right Now. (Skift)
Crisis Spurs American Airlines Into Being More Customer Friendly: Will Anyone Remember It?. (Skift)
Airline Direct Selling Through Travel Agencies May Prove Its Worth After the Crisis. (Skift)
Do Airlines Have a Duty to Consider Morality in Pricing?. (Cranky Flier)
Time to Look for a Vacation Deal? ‘Travel Addicts’ Are Planning Ahead. (Wall Street Journal)
Corporate travel: Collaboration is essential for successful recovery. (LinkedIn)
Comparing Best and Worst Case Scenarios for the Airlines. (Skift)
Move Over Revenue Models: Hotel Recoveries Will Also Need to Factor In Psychology, Sociology. (Skift)
Why Airbnb Made a Big Mistake by Ditching Its Marketing. (Hotel News Now)
Taking My Place at My Father’s Grocery Store. (New Yorker)
New Zealand edges back to normal after quashing coronavirus in 49 days. (MSN)
We could stop the pandemic by July 4 if the government took these steps. (SF Gate)
I Have a Few Questions About the New Face Mask with a Drinking Hole. (Elle Magazine)
Here’s how to keep your glasses from fogging while wearing a mask. (Chron) Helpful! I need to try this with my sunglasses for when I’m running.
How to Rethink Your Wedding. (New York Times)
The Office cast reunites to surprise fans with virtual wedding, officiated by John Krasinski. (CBS News)
How to Say No to a ‘Socially Distant’ Wedding or Other Major Life Ritual. (Vice)
Why You Should Start a Coronavirus Diary. (New York Times)
Just What Older People Didn’t Need: More Isolation. (New York Times)
Use These Extensions to Trick Out Google Meet. (Lifehacker)
10 Tiny Decluttering Projects If You Feel Cooped Up in Quarantine. (Be More With Less)
And finally, for a laugh: One of world’s best restaurants will seat mannequins at tables to make it look busy. (Today Show)
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