Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Maintaining Contact: The Pros and Cons of Each Managerial Communication Preference. (Laura Stack)
How Kat Cole Went from Hooters Girl to President of Cinnabon by Age 32. (Entrepreneur)
Household Brands Seek Their Voice on Virtual Assistants. (Wall Street Journal)
How Mrs. Meyer’s took over the hand soap aisle. (Vox)
How to make the job search less of a full-time job. (Zapier)
Online Grocery Could Eclipse Shopping in Stores, Data Suggests. (Morning Brew)
L’Oréal, Coty, and Zara Shift Assembly Lines to Fight Coronavirus. (Morning Brew)
Here’s How to Best Support Your Local Breweries Right Now. (Thrillist)
Retailers Are Skipping Rent Payments Due to Coronavirus. (Morning Brew)
Fashion Influencers Are Navigating What Content Looks Like During a Pandemic. (Fashionista)
How Arfa Adapted Its First Brand Launch for the Coronavirus Era. (Morning Brew)
We’re Entering the Stay-Home Economy. Here are 10 Industries That Will Be Winners. (LinkedIn)
We can help protect the economy if we protect our people. (LinkedIn)
People Are Looping Videos to Fake Paying Attention in Zoom Meetings. (Vice)
How to Get People to Actually Participate in Virtual Meetings. (Harvard Business Journal)
12 Strategies for Maximizing the Effectiveness of Working Remotely. (The Simple Dollar)
Bridging the Appreciation Gap: How Employees Prefer to Give and Receive Recognition at Work. (Bonusly)
5 Ways to Overcome the Loneliness of Leadership. (Women in Retail)
Have a strong accent? Here’s how that hurts your paycheck. (Quartz)
Why High-Achieving Women Pretend Their Lives Are a Mess. (Medium)
Why ambitious women get divorced more often than ambitious men. (Fast Company)
Why this swimwear startup just launched an emotional support hotline. (Fast Company)
Morning Brew’s Guide to Living Your Best Quarantined Life. (Morning Brew)
Why Time No Longer Has Meaning, According to Science. (Lifehacker)
Suddenly feel like reaching out to an ex right now? Here’s why, according to a psychologist. (Well & Good NYC)
How to Move Past a Bad Week. (Friday Forward)
How to ruin your brain less while using the internet. (Zapier)
How Does It Feel To Get Everything You Ever Wanted?. (Ryan Holiday)
7 emotional lessons for a more joyful life. (Aesthetics of Joy)
Use the Gottman Institute’s Anger Iceberg to resolve conflict more quickly. (Well & Good NYC)
Here’s How to Conquer Your To-do List. (New York Magazine)
The Case for a Monthly Life Admin Day. (Medium)
Covid-19 Diary : Friday 27 March 2020. (Travel Insider) I’ve found Travel Insider to have excellent daily perspective on the critical news, so I can read his summary and click the relevant links rather than needing to follow online all day long.
A Rikers Island Doctor Speaks Out to Save Her Elderly Patients from the Coronavirus. (New Yorker)
Bennett: Isolating the elderly as nation develops herd immunity is key to defeating virus. (I24 News)
The 2020 Olympics may be postponed—here’s what that means for the 10,000 athletes set to compete. (Well & Good NYC)
How to Clean and Disinfect Yourself, Your Home, and Your Stuff. (Wired)
Should I disinfect my mail? Experts say you don’t need to fear COVID-19 on packages. (Well & Good NYC)
Related: You Don’t Need to Sanitize Your Groceries. (Lifehacker)
How Exercise Might Affect Our Food Choices, and Our Weight. (New York Times)
Thanks to blood flow restriction training, injuries no longer have to cramp your workout progress. (Well & Good NYC)
Some Beach and Mountain Destinations Now Dread Out-of-Town Visitors. (Skift)
They Went Off the Grid. They Came Back to the Coronavirus.. (New York Times) Crazy!
Norwegian Air Secures Initial $26.6 Million From Government Rescue Package. (Skift)
Will It Matter for U.S. Airlines With the Government as a Shareholder?. (Skift)
Boeing Plans To Restart 737MAX Production in May. (Travel Codex)
How to Get Music Right in Luxury Lifestyle Hotels. (Skift)
Take a Quick Photo of Your Child Before Heading Into Crowded Places. (Lifehacker) From a different time!
Schools are closed. Kids are home. What’s the long-term impact of that?. (Penelope Trunk) Penelope Trunk is always a little crazy, but it’s interesting to read her perspective… and I do believe this is going to change how we work and learn going forward.
Foster a Pet Now, If You Can. (Lifehacker) I did! Sesame has her challenges, but it is nice to have another living being at home with me.
The Coronavirus and the Rise of the Virtual Volunteer. (Thrive Global)
Volunteer Transcription Projects for Older Adults. (AARP)
As Life Moves Online, an Older Generation Faces a Digital Divide. (New York Times)
Try “distant socializing” instead. (Stanford Business School)
In Time, We Will Adapt to a New Normal. (Friday Forward)
Looking Ahead. (The Simple Dollar)
How to politely decline that virtual happy hour when you very clearly don’t have plans. (Well & Good NYC)
15 Useful Things to Do When You’re Stuck at Home. (The Simple Dollar)
How to Get the Most Use Out of Your Broom. (Lifehacker)
Finally, for a laugh: Cowboy Museum Puts Their Head Of Security In Charge Of Their Twitter, And His Tweets Are Hilariously Wholesome. (Bored Panda)
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I love your take on Penelope Trunk. I haven’t read her blog in awhile, so I’m going to go catch up.
Haha, I always get nervous including her links in case it gives the impression I endorse her point of view! I think it’s really interesting to consider lots of perspectives, and hers is always unique and thought-provoking.