Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Miss America Wins After Doing Science Experiment For Talent Portion. (Scary Mommy) This is pretty cool!
How ‘Legally Blonde’ influenced a generation of women lawyers. (ABA Journal)
I Was Recently Hired to Analyze Diversity At a Business. Here Are the Names of People I Have Met So Far. (McSweeneys) Funny / sad but so true.
Women Seeking Corporate Board Seats Should Do These 5 Things. (Fortune Magazine)
If consultants ran Christmas. (Economist)
What the “Best Companies to Work For” Do Differently. (Harvard Business Journal)
What Your Email Signature Says About You. (New York Times)
6 Things Entrepreneurs Waste Their Time On. (Under 30 CEO)
Retail Giants Test Direct-to-Consumer Wellness Brands. (Skift)
Local Governments Are Cracking Down on Dollar Stores to Reduce Food Deserts. (Morning Brew)
Do You Have a Challenge Network?. (Friday Forward)
You’re running your meetings wrong. Here’s how to make them more effective. (CNN)
The Korean concept of ‘nunchi’ lets you read any room effortlessly—here’s how to develop it. (Well & Good NYC)
Create a New Year System, Not a Resolution. (The Simple Dollar)
7 Tips to Relieve Holiday Stress. (Psychology Today)
The can’t-miss signs you’re suffering from social exhaustion—and how to deal with it. (Well & Good NYC)
5 Relaxation Hacks That Work as Well as Meditation. (Medium)
Harness the Placebo Effect to Get Over Colds Faster. (Lifehacker)
Listen up: These healthy nutrition plans could keep your hearing sharp. (Well & Good NYC)
Sleeping Fewer Than 5 Hours a Night Tied to Bone Problems. (New York Times)
Not such a bright idea: why your phone’s ‘night mode’ may be keeping you awake. (Guardian)
Figure-four squats combine the best stretch and butt-strengthening move all in one go. (Well & Good NYC)
This is the least amount of time you should hold a stretch in order for it to be effective. (Well & Good NYC)
3 Hours of Exercise a Week May Lower Your Depression Risk. (New York Times)
How to Get Your Running in During the Holidays. (New York Times) I have definitely been struggling with this while visiting my family! But I headed to the local YMCA this morning and managed to get a great workout in – fingers crossed I can keep that up.
Why one trainer believes you should be creating a “fitness resume”. (Well & Good NYC)
How to Practice Open Water Swimming in the Pool. (Training Peaks)
High-Tech System to Make Homes More Healthy. (New York Times)
U.S. Greenlights Delta to Expand Joint Venture With European Airlines. (Skift)
Delta Should Have Bigger Plans For Its Silver Airways Codeshare. (Cranky Flier)
Insult to Injury: American Airlines Charter Delays the Dallas Cowboys – In Philly. (Running with Miles)
How Travel Agencies Are Winning Over Customers and Airlines in a Fragmented Industry. (Skift)
Booking Holdings and Expedia in Arms Race to Deliver the Connected Trip. (Skift)
Singapore’s New Hotel Automation Stokes Big Brother Image. (Skift)
Marriott’s Mission: Make W Hotels Cool Again. (Skift)
Airbnb Tests Teaming With Google’s Vacation Rental Business in the U.S.. (Skift)
Check In, Check Out Anytime You’d Like at These Hotels. (Skift)
Keep Kids Busy on Your Next Road Trip With ‘Backpack Time’. (Lifehacker)
Washington DC, Not NYC or LA, Is the Top Food City in America. (Bloomberg)
For These ‘Three Dots,’ 100 Years Of Friendship, Fellowship And Fun. (NPR)
Do You Need Expert Advice on Being a Grandparent?. (New York Times)
How to Say Goodbye to Your Elf on the Shelf—Forever. (Lifehacker)
Trader Joe’s Stocking Stuffers You Should Secretly Buy for Yourself. (Thrillist)
Fancy Versions of Inexpensive Items Make the Best Gifts. (Lifehacker)
5-year-old pays off lunch debt of 123 students with hot cocoa stand. (NY Post)
Some Noncitizens Do Wind Up Registered To Vote, But Usually Not On Purpose. (NPR)
Apple, Google, and Amazon are teaming up to develop an open-source smart home standard. (The Verge) I’m thrilled about this – been waiting far too long for smart home devices to get on one platform!
I Tried to Quit Amazon But Failed Miserably. (Lifehacker)
Reddit’s Favorite Mindblowing Facts of All Time, Fact-Checked. (Lifehacker)
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