Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

How Millennials Became The Burnout Generation. (BuzzFeed)
Working for a Company vs. Working for Yourself. (Medium)
Changing Behavior through Changing Environment. (Friday Forward)
Piercing the Mist: Five Ways to Overcome the “Fog of War” at Work. (Laura Stack)
The hidden networking gap between men and women. (Fast Company)
Why it’s so hard to get dressed for work. (CNN)
You should’ve asked. (Emmaclit)
5 Call-to-Action Templates to Use in Emails. (Daily Muse)
Collaborate on complex problems, but only intermittently. (Harvard Business Journal)
25 Ways to Simplify Your Life in 10 Minutes or Less. (Be More With Less)
The Limitations of Shortcuts & Hacks. (Friday Forward)
The 3-Step Evening Ritual That Will Make You Happy. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
Create a Morning Checklist for Your Older Kid, Then Get Out of Their Way. (Lifehacker)
How to Crush Your Habits in the New Year With the Help of Science. (New York Times)
Gracie Gold’s Battle for Olympic Glory Ended in a Fight to Save Herself. (New York Times)
Ask a Dermatologist: Can You Use Coconut Oil as a Makeup Remover?. (Byrdie)
Is there a right time of day to take your vitamins?. (Well & Good NYC)
Rebranded Weight Watchers Moves Further Away From Diet Focus. (Skift)
Asking for a friend: Is it bad to eat basically the same thing every day?. (Well & Good NYC)
Undercook Your Vegetables. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Fact: The healthiest foods are now found in the freezer aisle. (Well & Good NYC)
Can You Lose Weight and Gain Muscle at the Same Time?. (Nerd Fitness)
Muscle memory discovery ends ‘use it or lose it’ dogma. (Eurekalert)
Take A Ginger Shot Pre-Flight. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Delta Air Lines Revenue Forecast Cut Spooks Investors. (Bloomberg)
This Is Why Airline Fare Increases Are Coming. (Bloomberg)
Aviation Complications Likely Spurred Move to Reopen U.S. Government. (Skift)
U.S. Shutdown May Have Done Lasting Damage to Air Traffic Control. (Bloomberg)
Southwest Leaves Mexico City, Shows the Limitations of Its US-Focused Strategy. (Cranky Flier)
Southwest Airlines Drops One of Its Wi-Fi Providers. (Skift)
United Makes Live TV and Movies Free on Some Flights. (Bloomberg)
This Airline Is Flying Kids for Free Throughout 2019. (Thrillist)
What’s Behind American’s Falling Customer Satisfaction Scores?. (Skift)
What Are the Right Questions to Ask of a Hotel Technology Solution Provider?. (Hotel News Now)
Hotel Direct Booking Efforts Create Lasting Loyalty: New Report. (Skift)
4 Technologies for Hotel Success in 2019. (Hotel News Now)
Courting a New Generation of Safari Goers. (Skift)
Central Asia’s New Silk Road Offers Vast Tourism Potential. (Skift)
Women travel alone more than men. Here’s why.. (Vox)
Travel Megatrends 2019: Premium Mediocre Goes Mainstream. (Skift)
12 Strategies for Keeping Lifestyle Inflation in Check. (The Simple Dollar)
The Difference Between Being Middle-Class and Poor. (Lifehacker)
7 Personal Finance Lessons from the Government Shutdown. (The Simple Dollar)
When to Hire Someone to Do Your Taxes. (Lifehacker)
15 Tips From Marie Kondo That Have Genuinely Changed My Life. (BuzzFeed)
How to Stay Sane With Kids During the Polar Vortex. (Lifehacker)
7 Tips for Raising Grateful Children. (Cup of Jo)
Become a Better Photographer With This 52-Week Photo Challenge. (Lifehacker)
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