October 11, 2018

What I Read in September 2018

Did I even read in September? It feels like barely! But in the interest of continuity, I’ll still do a quick review of the four books I read last month. (And, while disappointing, the update on my goal to read 100 books in 2018 is that at 55 books total I’m 22 books behind. Le sigh.)

I absolutely loved The Opposite of Hate as one of my favorite nonfiction books in a while. Meanwhile, Cafe by the Sea was a great beach read 🙂

5 stars:

The Opposite of Hate: A Field Guide to Repairing Our Humanity, by Sally Kohn: My office women’s book club read this for September, and we all loved it. I was bracing myself for a fairly biased read based on the author’s strong point of view, but it was refreshingly honest – Kohn opened by pointing out a time when she bullied someone else, and emphasized throughout the book that none of us are perfect. The examples she chose to feature were poignant, informative, and incredibly timely (with many examples from the last six months), and the research was extremely compelling. Highly recommend this book to everyone.

4 stars:

The Cafe by the Sea, by Jenny Colgan: I accidentally read this two-book series out of order, but I waited long enough in between that I still found this enjoyable without being too spoiled. Lovable characters and a really cute story!

3 stars:

Educated: A Memoir, by Tara Westover: So many of my friends loved this, but it was so deeply unsettling that I just couldn’t give it a high rating. I’m fully aware that’s much more a reflection of me and how sheltered I am, though, and I’m in awe of how Ms. Westover has overcome such incredibly difficult circumstances and been successful in spite of them.

2 stars:

Campaign Widows, by Aimee Agresti: This was pretty light and trite, but it still gave an interesting view to what politicians and their spouses go through during election season. As I’m gearing up for my own, I found it interesting, but not that great – so I probably wouldn’t recommend it for others.

Any book recommendations for me? Follow me here on Goodreads to keep up with what I’m reading in real time.


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