July 10, 2018

My Next Big Challenge

Today is my 33rd birthday, and I’m thrilled to announce my next big challenge.

In elementary school, they would ask one question each year of every student for the yearbook. In kindergarten, I said that when I grew up, I wanted to be the first female president of the United States… and also a ballerina. My dreams and goals have changed a lot over the last few decades – like when I went from being a nerdy non-athletic bookworm to breaking a world record in running! But today, I’m proud to announce a new goal. This fall, I’ve decided to run for public office to become Trustee of the best town in America, Superior, Colorado.

I love this picture, at the top of one of my favorite running trails in my neighborhood! Isn’t Superior beautiful?!

I was lucky enough to have all of last week off work, and I spent a lot of it working on building a website, writing up content, and of course, meeting with current Trustees and citizens to get a better idea of what I want to achieve in office. Today, lauraforsuperior.com went live, and I’ve been amazed at the outpouring of support from friends and neighbors!

As much as I know I’ll do a great job as Trustee (the role is very similar to what I do for my clients in the private sector as a consultant), I’ve been nervous about putting myself out there and actually running for election. Two months ago, I was accepted to the She Should Run incubator program that encourages women to run for office, and it’s given me a lot of confidence, as well as a nationwide network of women who are all equally committed to making a difference in the world. Now, I’m psyched for the challenge of the campaign trail!

This photo reminds me a lot of the JetBlue ad campaign I did nearly ten years ago, back in 2009. It’s time for an update!

If you’d like to help me celebrate my birthday and support my first foray into politics, you can check out my new website at lauraforsuperior.com, and let me know any feedback on how I can improve! If you feel so inclined, you can visit my contribute page to see how else you may be able to help.

Thank you for any support you can provide in achieving my new goal! I’ll of course keep you updated on how the campaign goes 🙂


6 thoughts on “My Next Big Challenge”

  1. Happy (belated) birthday and congratulations! WOW, you are so determined and motivated. Very, very impressive! Your website looks great.

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