Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

This simple quiz will tell you if you’re experiencing burnout at work. (Well & Good NYC)
Knowledge@Wharton – Why Top Performers Quit When the Going Gets Tough. (Hotel News Now)
we need to end Secretaries Day. (Ask a Manager)
How good leaders share bad news…. (Patty Azzarello)
Public Speaking is Terrifying—6 Ways to Deliver Like a Pro. (99U)
Here’s what not asking for a raise is really costing you. (Well & Good NYC)
This is funny: List: What Your Sad Desk Lunch Says About You. (McSweeneys)
Take a Micro-Vacation to Tackle Your Personal To-Do List. (Lifehacker)
Why Email Is So Stressful, Even Though It’s Not Actually That Time-Consuming. (Harvard Business Journal)
What smartphone photography is doing to our memories. (Vox)
The One Discount That Won’t Save You Money. (The Simple Dollar)
Want to be happier and more fulfilled in life? Learn to be open to change. (Quartz)
5 Things You Should Always Make Time for If You Want to Be Successful. (Thrive Global)
Do These Things After 6 P.M. And Your Life Will Never Be The Same. (Medium)
The High Probability of Low Probability Events. (The Simple Dollar)
What Are Screens Doing to Our Eyes—and Our Ability to See?. (Wired)
The Vitamin That Improves Dream Recall. (Furthermore from Equinox)
A New Theory Linking Sleep and Creativity. (The Atlantic)
Why You Eat What You Eat. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Eating Fish and Legumes Tied to a Later Menopause. (New York Times)
Sleep Your Way Fit. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Beauty 911! I got a sunburn—what should I do?. (Well & Good NYC)
Adopt 5 Healthy Habits, Live 12 to 14 Years Longer. (New York Times)
How Fit Bodies Indulge. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Even a Little Exercise Might Make Us Happier. (New York Times)
Are You Strong Enough to Be a Jockey?. (Furthermore from Equinox)
When Doctors Downplay Women’s Health Concerns. (New York Times)
Airline Bosses Worldwide Face 5 Top Worries in 2018. (Skift)
Related: Higher Fuel Prices Will Put a Profit Squeeze on Airlines. (Bloomberg)
Delta Is Doing Better Than Its Rivals When It Comes to Premium Passengers. (Skift)
Hopper Begins Offering ‘Secret’ Airfares Below Published Rates. (Skift)
How ‘Secret Fares’ Might Change the Way You Fly. (Bloomberg)
Ah, but there’s a catch: Lufthansa wins big against “Error Fares”. (Wandering Aramean)
United’s Clever Pricing Strategy for Access to the Fancy Private Suite. (Cranky Flier)
Iceland’s WOW air eyes first foreign hub, Asian routes. (CH Aviation)
Do Airlines Overpromise With In-Flight Wi-Fi?. (Skift)
My Dinosaur Is a Service Animal. (YouTube) This video sums up 90% of those who bring Emotional Support Animals on flights.
Jabbrrbox: An airport lounge all to yourself. (CNN)
The great foreign exchange rip-off is coming to an end. (Economist)
Marriott’s Plans for Homesharing, Malls, and All-Inclusive Resorts. (Skift)
Meet The Stealth Inspectors Who Ensure Luxe Stays in Luxury Hotels. (Skift)
This summer’s crop of new luggage tries to keep things simple. (Dallas Morning News)
The secret green shelters that feed London’s cabbies. (BBC News)
How to Talk to Little Kids. (Lifehacker)
What All Parents Can Learn From Single Parents. (Lifehacker)
Related: Why You Should Parent Like You’re Divorced. (Lifehacker)
Your parents’ relationship can be a roadmap to a healthy love life (even if theirs wasn’t). (Well & Good NYC)
Keep Your Relationship Going Strong With a Daily Maintenance Text. (Lifehacker)
Letting Go. (The Simple Dollar)
The Biggest Retirement Risks and How to Prepare for Them. (The Simple Dollar)
5 Things That Happen When You Stop Buying Shit You Don’t Need.. (Yes and Yes)
I Want to Improve My Finances, But I Just Don’t Have the Time…. (The Simple Dollar)
This Map Shows How Much House $200K Will Get You All Around the Country. (Thrillist)
Why Wendy’s is the Only Chain that Serves Baked Potatoes. (Thrillist)
The fastest way to soften butter. (Lifehacker)
Make Horror Movies Less Scary With ‘Where’s the Jump?’. (Lifehacker)
How to Keep Your Bed as Cool as Possible This Summer. (Lifehacker)
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