I read seven books in April, which is exactly what I need to be reading to make my goal of 100 books a year. Unfortunately, I’m behind from the entire first quarter, so I will need to read more than that going forward if I want to catch up! May has been a slow month for reading but I’m now in the middle of a series that is pulling me in quite a bit, so hopefully that will help. More on that next month!

5 stars:
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are, by Brené Brown: I normally really don’t like Brene Brown’s books, and only read them when forced (e.g., for a book club). I generally find them too abstract and woo-woo. However, I actually really enjoyed this one! Brown did a good job explaining the difference between accepting imperfections and settling, and I liked the research on incorporating more creativity / play into your life, even if it isn’t productive. Perhaps it’s because this was a short read, but it felt much more realistic and impactful than Brown’s other books.
Glory over Everything: Beyond The Kitchen House, by Kathleen Grissom: Loved this book, which pulled me in just like the first one! However, since it had been some time since I read The Kitchen House, I felt a little lost when original characters were referenced. The author didn’t go into any background of what happened before, and the backstory of The Kitchen House wasn’t essential to understanding this, but I felt like I was missing references by not being able to remember who did what. Still enjoyed this and ended up reading it in two days!
4 stars:
The Gatekeepers, by Jen Lancaster: I normally think of Jen Lancaster as light, bubbly, chick lit, with a big dose of sarcastic humor. This novel was a definite departure from that, but I still really enjoyed it thanks to the little jokes scattered throughout. The topic was pretty heavy (a rash of teen suicides at a high pressure suburban high school), but Lancaster managed to cover it in a way that was informative but still entertaining – and not heavy handed. Solid read.
Insight: Why We’re Not as Self-Aware as We Think, and How Seeing Ourselves Clearly Helps Us Succeed at Work and in Life, by Tasha Eurich: The subject of this was interesting, but at first I didn’t find it very engaging. About halfway through, the examples started resonating more strongly with me, and then I really enjoyed it.
One Perfect Lie, by Lisa Scottoline: I started out hating this book because I couldn’t identify with the protagonist, but after the first twist, I got really into it. Solid mystery novel with the usual feel-good ending.
Still Me, by Jojo Moyes: Another fun, sweet read, though a bit more predictable even than the last two. Still glad I read it to keep following Louisa Clark’s adventures, even if her quirkiness is a bit more grating than endearing 😉
3 stars:
I Have Lost My Way, by Gayle Forman: This book got more engaging as it progressed, but the initial premise wasn’t nearly as strong as Forman’s other novels. It read very YA rather than having much promise for adult readers. A quick read, though!
Any book recommendations for me? Follow me here on Goodreads to keep up with what I’m reading in real time.
“12 Rules For Life” by Jordan Petterson is one I read recently. It’s a thought provoking book. I liked L’Appart by David Leibovitz. It’s a collection of recipes that are really good and his nightmare Paris renovation story.
I really liked L’Appart! I read that a few months ago. I’ll check out 12 Rules for Life.