Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

The Most Efficient Way to Keep Your Resume Up to Date. (Lifehacker)
The Expendable Employee. (The Simple Dollar)
What will change when millennials lead?. (Penelope Trunk)
Who Moved My Customer? – Embracing Multichannel Marketing. (Full Contact)
Employers are monitoring computers, toilet breaks – even emotions. Is your boss watching you?. (Guardian)
Go ahead and complain at work—it’s good for you and your productivity. (Well & Good NYC)
How to Practice Self-Care at Work. (PureWow)
Jeff Bezos’ 2018 Letter to Amazon Shareholders. (SEC) Fascinating if you aren’t an Amazon employee / shareholder!
If you think women in tech is just a pipeline problem, you haven’t been paying attention. (Medium)
Benedict Cumberbatch is putting his salary on the line to close the wage gap. (Well & Good NYC)
How to Pick a Career (That Actually Fits You). (Wait But Why)
Killing Strategy: The Disruption Of Management Consulting. (CB Insights)
The Two Traits of the Best Problem-Solving Teams. (Harvard Business Journal)
How To Achieve Your 10-Year Plan In The Next 6 Months. (Medium)
Put Your Failures Down on Paper. (Furthermore from Equinox)
How Learning New Words Could Make You Happier. (Time)
Use Your Phone to Create Good Habits. (Mindful)
The Little Psychological Tricks That Will Make Your Marriage Happier. (Redbook)
How We Frame Our Spending Choices – and How to Do It Better. (The Simple Dollar)
How to Live Like a Polar Bear. (Deep Existence)
Is Curiosity as Good at Predicting Children’s Reading, Math Success as Self-Control? Study Says Yes. (EdWeek)
The Psychology of Amazon’s Echo Dot Kids Edition. (Wired) This sounds really cool!
Most Personality Quizzes Are Junk Science. I Found One That Isn’t.. (Five Thirty Eight)
How each Myers-Briggs personality type needs to love and be loved. (Well & Good NYC)
Related and funny: List: What Your Myers-Briggs Type Says About Whether You’ll Take the Myers-Briggs Test. (McSweeneys)
The scientific reason why you hear “Yanny” or “Laurel”. (Well & Good NYC) Personally, I distinctly heard “yammy” (with an M), which this doesn’t explain.
I tried to upgrade my sleep experience with lucid dreaming—here’s what happened. (Well & Good NYC) This sounds pretty cool.
This Is How To Sleep Better: 5 Secrets From Neuroscience. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
An Unexpectedly Awesome Side Effect of Not Drinking. (Greatist)
What is it about seltzer that makes it so damn addictive?. (Well & Good NYC)
3 Smarter Ways to Detox. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Want to Poop Better? Of Course You Do—So Start Avoiding These Common Foods. (Greatist)
To Slash Your Risk of Heart Disease, Keep Moving. (New York Times)
Cleaning Up Miami—One Run at a Time. (Runners World)
The Three-Day Recovery Rule. (Furthermore from Equinox)
The Case for Anti-Racing. (Furthermore from Equinox)
American Invests in Catering at Lounges as United Scales Back. (Skift)
Future of baggage: How e-tags, delivery services, tracking and robotics could redefine baggage processing. (Future Travel Experience)
What Never to Say or Do at the Airport. (Lifehacker)
Boarding an airplane is such a pain in the neck. Can the process be fixed?. (Los Angeles Times)
The Business of Passenger-Proofing Seats and Every Other Square Inch Inside a Plane. (Skift)
JetBlue reveals first restyled A320 as cabin upgrades gather pace. (Future Travel Experience)
American Airlines Bans Some of the Most Unusual Emotional Support Animals. (Skift)
Similar: Regulators Make It Easier for Airlines to Limit Emotional Support Animals. (Skift)
Straighten Up and Fly Right, United to Flight Attendants on Sloppy Grooming. (Skift)
How new legislation could make it harder to tell how much your airline tickets cost. (Dallas Morning News)
Embraer X unveils electric vertical take-off and landing concept. (Future Travel Experience)
Hawaiian Airlines Promises It’s Ready for Whatever Southwest Plans. (Skift)
United Airlines Trims Mexico Flights as Demand Stumbles. (Skift)
JetBlue Names a New President, Possible Successor to CEO. (Skift)
Spirit Airlines to equip its fleet with high-speed Wi-Fi by summer 2019. (Future Travel Experience)
The New Google Duplex May Help You Never Wait On Hold for An Airline. (Running with Miles)
Google says forget app versus mobile web, it’s app and mobile web. (Tnooz)
The Potential of a High-Speed Florida Train: Miami to Orlando Eventually. (Skift)
Deadly Convenience: Keyless Cars and Their Carbon Monoxide Toll. (New York Times)
Friction-Free Experiences Are Must-Have Amenities For Travelers. (CMO.com)
Lavish Whistler Housing Market Squeezes Tourism Workers. (Skift)
This Colorado town is on a lot of ‘Best Places to Live’ lists. Here’s why. (9 News Denver) This is my town!!
Dear iPhone—It Was Just Physical, and Now It’s Over – Facts So Romantic. (Nautilus)
How to Have a Better Relationship With Your Mother. (Lifehacker)
The Best Mother’s Day Gift: Get Mom Out Of The Box. (NPR)
Think you’re special? That just proves you’re normal. (Guardian)
How to keep your kitchen REALLY clean, according to restaurant pros. (Well & Good NYC)
What to do if you find yourself choking—and no one’s around. (Lifehacker)
A Day In The Life of my Supposedly Frugal Stomach. ( Mr. Money Mustache)
Red Lobster and Waffles. (New York Times) I would actually go try this.
How to make perfect fried rice (and I mean perfect). (Lifehacker)
A Simple Way to Improve a Billion Lives: Eyeglasses. (New York Times)
Peak-End Rule: Why You Make Terrible Life Choices. (Nir and Far)
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Dumb Questions. (Lifehacker)
Your Fear Of Looking Stupid Is Making You Look Stupid. (Medium)
Finally, for a laugh:
Kid tries to sign his own permission slip and people can’t stop laughing.. (Some Ecards)
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