Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

The 3 questions managers should ask in every one-on-one meeting. (A Life of Productivity)
Email Sign-Offs Employers Will Fire You For, Especially If You Happen to Be a Woman. (McSweeneys)
How to Dramatically Improve your Public Speaking Skills. (Better Humans)
Does your email-inbox give you anxiety?. (Patty Azzarello)
Using the Science of Good Timing to Pass the Test, Get the Job, and Live a Meaningful Life. (Heleo)
7 Habits That Hinder Productivity. (Time Management Ninja)
Why Feeling Good About Yourself Matters: Four Ways Self Esteem Affects Productivity. (Laura Stack)
The Paradoxical Power of Idleness. (The Simple Dollar)
This Is How To Find Joy: 4 Simple Secrets To The Good Life. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
Don’t Make It A Decision. (Deep Existence)
Bad Sleepers Eat More Sugar. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Related: How to Stop Eating Sugar. (New York Times)
How Exercise Can Keep Aging Muscles and Immune Systems ‘Young’. (New York Times)
Next-Level Running. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Could drinking non-alcoholic beer make me a better runner?. (Lifehacker)
You Could Prevent Peanut Allergies With a 99 Cent Snack. (Lifehacker)
What You Need to Know About Freezing Food So It Lasts (and Still Tastes Good). (Greatist)
Are we supposed to wash mushrooms or not?. (Lifehacker)
The Startup That Would Kill You To Let You Live Forever. (Popular Mechanics)
World’s Largest Car-Seat Manufacturer Wants to Disrupt the Airline Business. (Skift)
KLM expands its digital marketing territory into podcasting. (Tnooz)
Delta is launch customer for Farelogix availability engine. (Tnooz)
Delta’s Basic Economy Push Is Paying Off. (Skift)
Google Wants to Enter Aviation’s Broadband Wi-Fi Business. (Skift)
Why You Should Think Twice Before Booking a Flight to ‘New York International Airport’. (Travel & Leisure)
This Airline Makes It Easier for Parents to Fly with Kids with New “Skycouch”. (Red Tricycle)
Airlines Are Finally on the Cusp of Getting Personalized Retailing Right. (Skift)
Airline Group IAG Looking at Buying Norwegian. (Skift)
Watch out, travellers: Hidden fees are getting even harder to spot. (The Globe and Mail)
Urban Sports Resorts Are Closing the Gap Between Fitness and Hospitality. (Skift)
We Need to Urgently Press On With Developing Self-Driving Vehicles. (Travel Insider)
Superior approves plans for Tesla dealership, marking company’s latest foray into Colorado. (Colorado Hometown Weekly) I’m so excited about this!
Good luck leaving your Uber driver less than five stars. (Quartz)
This Maniac Is Trying to Eat at All 100 ‘World’s Best’ Restaurants in One Year. (Grubstreet) What a fun quest!
125 Best Places to Live in the USA. (US News)
‘Big Brother’ in India Requires Fingerprint Scans for Food, Phones and Finances. (New York Times)
Richest 1% on target to own two-thirds of all wealth by 2030. (Guardian)
A Problem for High Schools: More Cars, and Nowhere to Park Them. (New York Times)
Kind of related: How to Raise a Child that is Grateful. (Dr. Sheryl Ziegler)
Middle-Class Families Increasingly Look to Community Colleges. (New York Times)
Dating Apps Are for Scheduling Dates, People. (Lifehacker)
How Sincere Is “The Bachelor”?. (New Yorker)
How to be lucky in love. (TED Talks)
Pro Cheerleaders Say Groping and Sexual Harassment Are Part of the Job. (New York Times)
Is that self-care or self-sabotage?. (Yes and Yes)
5 expert-approved tips for keeping a long-distance friendship strong. (Well & Good NYC)
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