Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

The best career path for you, according to your Myers-Briggs personality type. (Well & Good NYC)
Maternity leave is like a vacation, right? A feminist comic. (Guardian)
How to conduct an end-of-year productivity review. (A Life of Productivity)
Why Resolutions Aren’t BS. (Greatist)
What to Do If You’ve Already Failed at Your New Year’s Resolution. (Lifehacker)
A 30 Day Experiment with Mini Habits. (Casual Kitchen)
The Real Cure for Boredom (Ultimate Guide). (Deep Existence)
Here are the ages you peak at everything throughout life. (Business Insider)
11 Anxiety Hacks That Psychologists Swear B. (Bustle)
This Is How To Make Emotionally Intelligent Friendships: 6 Secrets. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
How It Became Normal to Ignore Texts and Emails. (The Atlantic)
What Kids Learn When All the Cartoon Bad Guys Have Foreign Accents. (Lifehacker)
What Is the Perfect Age?. (Wall Street Journal)
Build a Better Budget by Thinking of Your Money as Someone Else’s. (Lifehacker)
This Year, Make Your Fitness Resolution Stick. (New York Times)
A national gym chain is turning off the news to make your sweat sesh more mindful. (Well & Good NYC)
The crazy ways relationships affect your tastebuds. (Well & Good NYC)
8 Healthy Dishes To Order in Denver This January. (303 Magazine)
A Salad a Day May Be Good for Brain Health. (New York Times)
The sneaky thing you handle every day that could be bad for your health. (Well & Good NYC)
Can a Cup of Hot Tea a Day Help Preserve Eyesight?. (New York Times)
Is There A Gender Bias Against Female Pain Patients?. (Huffington Post)
Too Many Older Patients Get Cancer Screenings. (New York Times)
File under “best news ever”: Sunlight could help you reach your weight-loss goals. (Well & Good NYC)
Walk yourself fit: how striding out could transform your body. (Guardian)
How to Build Muscle in 9 Minutes. (New York Times)
Women Have an Edge in Endurance. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Can a Fitness Tracker Help You Run a Better Race?. (New York Times)
Should You Shower in the Morning, or at Night? Yes.. (New York Times)
Generational challenge: Expedia looks at US traveler trends across Boomers, Gen-X, Y and Z. (Tnooz)
Travel Megatrends 2018: Travel Brands Want to Be Experience Platforms. (Skift)
10 technology trends for airlines and airports in 2018. (Future Travel Experience)
Hotel technology adoption: What can be learned from a Polish auto repair shop. (Tnooz)
Luxury Hoteliers Believe Customization Is Key to Winning Over Millennials. (Skift)
Smart Robots at CES Have a Lot to Learn Before Hotels End Up Using Them. (Skift)
Similar: 11 thoughts on the future of technology in travel and hospitality from CES 2018. (Tnooz)
And one more: Hoteliers: Here are six noteworthy products launching at CES 2018. (Tnooz)
Smart Speakers and Hotel Rooms Aren’t an Easy Fit. (Skift)
Virtual reality: All hype and no substance?. (Tnooz)
The top 10 technology priorities for airlines in 2018. (Tnooz)
Airlines Turn to Private Messaging to Avoid Social Media Blowups. (Skift)
Frontier Airlines Will Codeshare With Mexico’s Volaris in a Unique Arrangement. (Skift)
Lufthansa speeds up peak time departures experience at Munich Airport. (Future Travel Experience)
JFK Airport’s Terminal Setup Contributed to the Storm-Recovery Fiasco. (Skift)
United Will Begin Giving Passengers Details About Why Their Flights Are Delayed. (Skift)
United Airlines Will Add Premium Economy to Match Delta and American. (Skift)
Legacy airlines are facing new competitors on transatlantic routes. (Economist)
British Airways Plan to Add ‘Pre-Reclining’ Seats Actually Makes Sense — Airline Innovation Report. (Skift)
High-Speed Rail Starting to Offer Real Alternatives to Flying. (Skift)
In Deepest Cold, a Subway Car Becomes the Shelter of Last Resort. (New York Times)
Want To Help Someone In A Poor Village? Give Them A Bus Ticket Out. (NPR)
Money for nothing: is Finland’s universal basic income trial too good to be true? | Inequality. (The Guardian)
What’s The Difference Between Children’s Books In China And The U.S.?. (NPR)
Do You Really Need to Decant Your Wine?. (Lifehacker)
3 simple ways to go on a Facebook diet — starting today. (NBC News)
25 Things I Tried When My Life Fell Apart at 30. (Pancakes and Beet Juice)
Make Dating Less Miserable: Treat It Like a Hobby. (New York Magazine)
Instagram Is Now a Dating Platform, Too. Here’s How It Works.. (New York Times)
The Matchmaker Who Flirts on Dating Apps for You. (New York Magazine)
The Humiliation of Aziz Ansari. (The Atlantic)
Aziz Ansari Is Guilty. Of Not Being a Mind Reader.. (New York Times) I completely agree with this take on it.
The One Thing That Isn’t Evolving With Netflix & Hulu’s Takeover of TV. (Thrillist)
How Care for Elders, Not Children, Denies Women a Paycheck. (New York Times)
Make a Biweekly Budget Instead of a Monthly Budget. (Lifehacker)
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