Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

This is the best way to ask for a promotion. (Well & Good NYC)
6 international office rules Americans avoid at all costs. (Business Insider)
The best (& most boring) $150 you can spend on your office. (A Life of Productivity)
How to Establish Productivity Guidelines for Remote Employees. (Full Contact)
Related: This focus hack might revolutionize your remote-working game. (Well & Good NYC)
This Brilliant Strategy Used by Warren Buffett Will Help You Prioritize Your Time. (Inc)
Want to Get More Done? Answer These 5 Questions Every Night. (Inc)
The smallest thing.. (Alexandra Franzen)
Long-Term Stress is Worse for Women. (Furthermore from Equinox)
The One Thing All Winners Have In Common. (Deep Existence)
Adam Grant’s simple trick for actually enjoying your successes. (Quartz)
Ubuntu. (The Rockstar Diaries)
Putting Your Holiday Decorations Up Early Could Make You Happier, According to Experts. Woo hoo, I did mine the day after Thanksgiving! (Cosmopolitan)
Why are you putting off happiness?. (Yes and Yes)
These Are The 8 Friends You Need To Be Happy In Life. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
Why Your Brain Hates Other People. (Nautilus)
Why Lying to Spare Others’ Feelings Isn’t Worth It. (Greatist)
You’d Be a Better Communicator If You Weren’t So Afraid of Embarrassing Yourself. (New York Magazine)
Study Shows We All Need More Playtime. (My Fitness Pal)
The Origin of the Perfect Body. (Furthermore from Equinox)
In Crisis Mode? Here are 5 Tips to Handle Holiday Weight. (My Fitness Pal)
Similar: 31 Science-Backed Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain. (Greatist)
What The Industry Knew About Sugar’s Health Effects, But Didn’t Tell Us. (NPR)
The Best Cooking Methods to Keep Nutrients Intact. (Greatist)
The Bone Broth Trend, Explained. (My Fitness Pal)
Wait, What’s the White Lie Diet?. (Greatist)
What to Eat When You’re Injured. (Furthermore from Equinox)
A Forward-Thinking Approach to Preventing Injuries. I really want to do this. (My Fitness Pal)
Research shows HIIT-ting the gym might boost your memory. (Well & Good NYC)
However: Are You Overdoing HIIT?. (My Fitness Pal)
Oversleeping Can Cause Nightmares. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Heart Surgery May Be Safer in Afternoon Than in Morning. This was really interesting. (New York Times)
What if You Knew Alzheimer’s Was Coming for You?. (New York Times)
How to Age Well. (New York Times)
Could this magical “self-cleaning” towel completely change your skin-care game?. (Well & Good NYC)
The Natural Efficacy Fallacy and Natural Shaming. (Humble Bee and Me)
Microgreens: Healthy Ingredient or Needless Garnish?. (My Fitness Pal)
Winter travel inspo: Study says coastal and rural spots are best for your well-being. (Well & Good NYC)
A good night’s sleep is the latest front in airlines’ battle for highest-paying customers. (Dallas Morning News)
Lufthansa to Offer Revamped Business Class With Seats 7 Feet Long. (Skift)
The Muslim on the airplane. (TED Talks)
American Airlines Cracks Down on Smart Luggage with Built-In Batteries. (Skift)
American Airlines Pilot Scheduling Glitch May Affect Holiday Travel. (Skift)
And the fix: American Airlines Solves Its Holiday Pilot Problem and Will Not Cancel Any Flights. (Skift)
Southwest Takes Customer Service Seriously. (Skift)
Airlines Personalize the Passenger Experience With New Apps and Devices. (Skift)
Musings from digital travel experts on key content shifts. (Tnooz)
Three Ways Digital is Influencing Traveler Buying Behavior. (Skift)
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol launches Personal Security Pass pilot. (Future Travel Experience)
MIA passenger thanks airport worker for her teddy bear – 28 years later. (Airport World)
New study names MIA as the US’s most ‘transit accessible’ gateway. (Airport World)
A Hyperloop to O’Hare?. (Wandering Aramean)
Your Robot Car Should Ignore You. (Nautilus)
Startup pitch: Swayy wants to help hotels manage influencers. (Tnooz)
Marriott Edges Out Hyatt for Top Honors in J.D. Power’s Hotel Loyalty Survey. (Skift)
Las Vegas Gambles It Can Attract Millennials With Instagram-Worthy Moments. (Skift)
Luxury Brands Cross Industry Lines for Loyalty Collaborations. (Skift)
Priorities of female travelers – less automation and sharing, more details. (Tnooz)
Amazon Shipping – A Prime Mess. (Travel Insider)
32 Ways to Give Back Without Derailing Your Own Finances. (The Simple Dollar)
A Deeper Look at My ‘Wishlist Strategy’ for Curbing Spending. (The Simple Dollar)
Managing the Storm of a Toddler’s Tantrum. (New York Times)
App Time for Nap Time: The Parennials Are Here. (New York Times)
When a Student Says, ‘I’m Not a Boy or a Girl’. (New York Times)
The roots of infanticide run deep, and begin with poverty. (Aeon)
Why You’re Better Off Moving Than Voting. (Livability)
How Facebook Figures Out Everyone You’ve Ever Met. (Gizmodo)
The Age When People Feel Most Confident Is Way Older Than You Think. (Greatist)
Is this “substitute phone” the next fidget spinner?. (Well & Good NYC)
How the sandwich consumed Britain. (Guardian)
How to Use Different Pasta Shapes to Make Your Life Better. (Bon Appetit)
The secret tricks hidden inside restaurant menus. (BBC World)
10 Tips for Fascinating Table Talk at Your Next Dinner Party. (New York Times)
Related: How to Host a Dinner Party. (New York Times)
Holiday Photos? Don’t Say ‘Cheese’. (New York Times)
The Woman Who Gave Us the Science of Normal Life. (Nautilus)
And finally, for a laugh: This Christmas Card Is Going Viral for the Funniest Reason. (Time)
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