Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Why Women Don’t Apply for Jobs Unless They’re 100% Qualified. (Harvard Business Journal)
The 7 Essential Qualities of Effective Feedback. (Zapier)
How Smart People Bring Problems to Their Boss. (Daily Muse)
‘You’re Married; You Don’t Need a Raise’. (Verily)
Retail Stores Made Elmira, N.Y., an Unlikely Success—Now They’re Gone. (Wall Street Journal)
[Infographic] Getting Personal with your Customers. (Full Contact)
[Infographic] What Your Customers Are Really Asking For. (Full Contact)
Building the Perfect Day. (Psychology Today)
How to Train Yourself to Stay Focused. (Zen Habits)
Introvert Or Extrovert? Here’s Another Way To Think About Your Personality. (Fast Company)
Three Powerful Ways to Stay Positive. (Heleo)
The ‘Drops in a Bucket’ Mindset. (The Simple Dollar)
A neuroscientist who studies decision-making reveals the 6 most important choices you can make. (Business Insider)
Conversation Is a Skill. Here’s How to Be Better At It. (Heleo)
Do You Have True Friendships? Aristotle Thinks You Don’t. (Big Think)
Emotions Pass Along A Friendship Network Like a Contagion, Study Finds. (Big Think)
Relationship Problems? Try Getting More Sleep. (New York Times)
We Expect Way Too Much From Our Romantic Partners. (The Atlantic)
The Power of Uncertainty. (Heleo)
What I’ve learned about myself in four years of self-tracking with Exist. (Exist App)
12 Thoughts Every Runner Has at the Start Line. (Run to the Finish)
Ten Reasons not to run trail marathons and ultras. Oh well – I’m off to run my first trail half this morning! (Running with Heart)
You Don’t Need to ‘Work Out’ to Get the Benefits of Exercise. (Thrive Global)
Learn French While Cycling. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Fitness May Lower Breast Cancer Risk. (New York Times)
The 10 Elements of Extraordinary Fitness. (Furthermore from Equinox)
7 Easy Ways to Take Your Workouts to the Next Level. (My Fitness Pal)
HIIT Makes You Less Hungry. (Furthermore from Equinox)
How Cosmopolitan’s Helen Gurley Brown taught women to prize skinniness above all else. (Quartz)
What You Need to Know About the Latest Nutrition Label. (My Fitness Pal)
4 Ways Water Helps with Weight Loss. (My Fitness Pal)
New Study Favors Fat Over Carbs. (New York Times)
We Asked Health Experts to Share the Worst Nutrition Advice They’ve Ever Heard. (Greatist)
Hungry between meals? it might be in your head, says science. (Well & Good NYC)
Hiking 14ers: Tips for Beginners. (Just a Colorado Gal)
The 9 healthiest airports around the world. (Well & Good NYC)
Airport Codes: How Official Names Are Assigned. (Conde Nast)
Aviation needs to do more to make accessible travel a reality for all. (Airport World)
How Low-Cost Airlines Alter the Economics of Flying. (New York Times)
In a Warming World, Keeping the Planes Running. (New York Times)
Inflight wifi could be a $130 billion market by 2035. (Tnooz)
American Airlines Teams With Casper for In-Flight Bedding and a Hipper Appeal. (Skift)
The Comfortable New Planes Airlines Think You Don’t Want. (Wall Street Journal)
What Monarch Air’s Bankruptcy Means for European Aviation. (Skift)
Boeing v Airbus on spaciousness and in-flight comfort. (Wandering Aramean)
KLM’s newest destination: WhatsApp. (Wandering Aramean)
Supersonic or Even Hypersonic Flights Could Be Aviation’s Next Frontier. (Skift)
Amadeus Wins Air Canada Contract as It Digs In Deeper in North America. (Skift)
Flyers rarely complain even when they should. (Economist)
Loyalty-Program Fatigue and What to Do About It. (Skift)
Las Vegas Massacre Raises Concerns About Safety at Live Events. (Skift)
8 Questions About Hotel Safety and Security Raised by the Las Vegas Shooting. (Skift)
Wynn Las Vegas Increases Security Following Mass Shooting. (Skift)
A family wins $546,000 over bed bugs at a Rancho Cucamonga hotel. (Los Angeles Times)
Celebrity Cruises Reimagines Onboard Entertainment. (Skift)
Luxury Travelers Seek Winter Alternatives to Hard-Hit Caribbean Destinations. (Skift)
Transportation Spending Grabs Smaller Share of Household Income in Sharing Economy Era. (Skift)
Google’s New Earbuds With Real-Time Translation Have Huge Implications for Travel. (Skift)
CSU launches first-of-its-kind graduate certificate in adventure tourism. (Colorado State University)
Types of Tents: The Ultimate Guide. (Cool of the Wild)
New Air Link and Luxury Hotel Will Transform Tourism on Tiny, Remote St Helena. (Skift)
How the Pioneer Woman Is Single-Handedly Saving a Small Oklahoma Town. (Thrillist)
This plastic-eating fungus could help clean up *tons* of non-biodegradable waste. (Well & Good NYC)
My 25 Favorite Money-Saving ‘Life Hacks’. (The Simple Dollar)
Bubble Tea Soft Serve Is the Brilliant Dessert You Weren’t Expecting. (Thrillist)
Meet the Instagrammer Turning Pasta Into Rainbow. (Saveur Magazine)
Panera CEO Throws Down “Kids Menu Challenge”. (The Lunch Tray)
How to Be a Modern Parent. (New York Times)
How Not to Raise a Ray of Sunshine. (New York Times)
Windfalls Aren’t Unlimited Money. (The Simple Dollar)
Why Trying to Resell Your Clothes Is Always So Damn Embarrassing. (Racked)
Women Aren’t Nags—We’re Just Fed Up. (Harper’s Bazaar)
How I Got Back Into The Dating Game. (Refinery29)
Here’s what people actually say when they block you on a dating app. (Mashable)
I asked Tinder for my data. It sent me 800 pages of my deepest, darkest secrets. (Guardian)
Finally, for a laugh: The Summer Bucket List of a 35-Year-Old Woman. (New York Times)
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